Sunday, September 24, 2017

Autumnal Heath, and Jaws II

On Hampstead Heath, we're starting to see just a touch of fall color. It looks very autumnal, doesn't it?

I took Olga to the Heath even though my cold is still hanging around. Now it's all about congestion in my sinuses and chest. I honestly can't tell whether it's even still my cold, or something else entirely like a sinus infection. I don't have any kind of fever, so I presume it will clear up on its own. Meanwhile, I'm not going to take a London LOOP walk this weekend, as much as I want to. I'm going to stay home and rest.

That will give me a chance to archive my photos from the past month or so, a process that always seems to take a couple of hours. I weed out the ones I don't want and store the rest on a portable drive.

Maybe I'll also have a chance to new metal detector! Yes, I have officially joined the ranks of crotchety old men. Dave bought me several early birthday gifts (my birthday isn't until November) and knowing how intrigued I am by the BBC show "The Detectorists," one of them is a metal detector. Woo hoo! He also got a Go-Pro camera (we may eventually see Olga's walks from her point of view, on "Olgacam!") and some new pajama shorts to replace the sadly depleted Doris shorts.

I feel guilty because I didn't buy Dave anything for his birthday in June. I took him out, and I told him I'd get him a drone or some new kitchen gear, but he never chose and I never pressed the point. Every time I try to get him something for the kitchen on my own, it turns out to be relatively useless. I'm a hopeless judge of kitchenware.

Anyway, last night we had a '70s movie extravaganza, watching "Jaws II" and "Airport '77." Pretty much my ideal movie-viewing experience. I remember going to see "Jaws II' with my friend Tony at the Varsity Six theater in Tampa in 1978, when I was 11, and I'm not sure I've seen it since -- but darned if I didn't even remember some of the lines. It's scary what the brain retains at that incredibly impressionable age.

(Photos, both taken yesterday: Top, Olga on the Heath; bottom, a close-up of a pigeon feather (I think?) found on the Heath.)


  1. The design of the pigeon feather is both incredible and beautiful. I'm already looking forward to Olga-cam footage and hoping there will be some exciting chase scenes. Are you taking antibiotics for your sinus/chest condition? It has been hanging around too long.

  2. Will you search on the Heath? I just watched Olga in the shrubbery-funny dog! I hope your cold goes soon.

  3. Mr. Moon and I loved that show. It was quite precious. I hope you find lots of treasure!
    Some viruses just do linger. And things may be compounded by allergies. Who knows? Not me.
    Keep resting.

  4. I leave sorting through photos and then it becomes a big job. Meal detectors find some surprising stuff.

  5. love the picture of the feather. may I use it? you may find viking treasure with your new toy!

  6. Love that you got a metal detector, inspired by "The Detectorists" (such a good show!). Can't wait to see what you dig up. That feather photo is quite beautiful. Sure hope you start to feel better soon. Take care there.

  7. It looks like fall there and it feels like fall here. We finally are cooling down a bit.

  8. Yes, the feather picture is great but you should print and frame that photo of Olga on the Heath for when she won't be around.

  9. nice birthday gifts! what you need to do is take dave with you to the fancy appliances store and say, ok, now choose.

  10. If it's a sinus infection and it reaches the stage of running down the back of the throat, see a doctor. Drainage can go up the eustachian into the middle ear and rupture the ear drum. Then things become bad. Here's hoping it goes away.

  11. I hope you feel better soon. Resting is never a bad thing when we're sick.

    A metal detector! An Olga-cam! The possibilities!!

    I'm with 37paddington - take Dave out (when you feel better) and make him pick something out! Speaking from experience, it's very easy to let things slide . . .

  12. P.S. I love the photos, each for different reasons.
