Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Walk, Heterosexuals!

While I was down at Trafalgar Square on Sunday meeting up with Kevin and Brent, I waited at this pedestrian crossing for the light to change. When it did, I thought, "Well, that doesn't look right."

Instead of the usual "green man" walking symbol, I saw this!

A look at other nearby pedestrian crossings showed variations on the theme:

(That last one is apparently the symbol for transgendered people. I had to look it up.)

I thought this was all pretty brilliant and fun, but it turns out it's not new. The lighted signs went up in June 2016 to celebrate LGBT Pride, and they just never came down. There were others, too, showing male, female, and mixed couples holding hands with a heart between them -- I didn't photograph them because they didn't seem as distinct as these.

I only wonder if they're confusing to some people. Like, "Can only women cross at this intersection? Or only straight people at that one?"

Then again, many people ignore the green man signs entirely...at their peril!


  1. Well-spotted Steve. In my old-fashioned opinion, road signs and lights should be consistent with no artistic or political interference. Sorry to be a party pooper.

  2. And somewhere in Alabama, Roy Moore's head just exploded.

    Well done, London.

  3. I like it! Hahaha. "Walk, Heterosexuals!" made me laugh.

  4. That's hysterical and I love it!

  5. Ypur newspaper background is showing with that provocative headline! I read lt and was like "whaaat?" Love it.

  6. I would have to take a second look at these signs and even then I would be puzzled. I like the comment ,"Are only females allowed to cross?" When will the sign come up for males to cross?

  7. That is just so funny and wonderful. I'm glad the lights stayed this way. The world should be so lit.

  8. That is amazing. I'm glad you spotted these. I basically just look for the "green" so I don't think they would have confused me.

  9. Wow...I think these should be everywhere...and I look forward to sharing whatever adventures we can come up with in 2018.

  10. how cool is that! yeah, sorry, only women here or only men.

  11. Your title is hilarious! Those lights are awesome :)

  12. Who designed the transgender sign
    Bloody helll it's dreadful

  13. Mmmmm, not sure if I like them or not. I don't find them offensive but I think plain green for me. I wonder they haven't caught on in Brighton..
