Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Walk in the Woods

Yesterday afternoon we visited a forest. We walked with a forester who explained how the forest’s resources are used and how he helps the landowners maintain them responsibly. It was mostly a forest of Norwegian spruce and beech, but we also saw interesting fungi, a wild boar wallow and, in a pond, a big ol’ golden carp. (Not a native species, but still impressive!)

We also saw yellow loosestrife and purple foxgloves blooming beside one of the roads into the woods. A lot of the plants look just like what I often see in England.

Overall, I think this retreat is going well for me, professionally. It’s definitely helping me to consider more mindful ways of responding to students. Rather than getting cranky about their overdue materials or the fact that someone wants yet another computer charger, maybe I can pause and breathe and put things in better perspective — be a more compassionate presence. This isn’t a new idea, but my practice here may help to reinforce it. (Let’s hope I’m still feeling as conscientious by the time mid-August rolls around!)

Here’s my empty porridge bowl at breakfast this morning.

And here are some marine creatures, because I can: 🦑 🐠 🐬 🐋 🦀


  1. Did you go up to the buxom cook with your porridge bowl, like Oliver Twist, and say "More please!"? And were you mindful when she then attempted to whack you with her big wooden spoon?

  2. Are you hungry? that bowl looks like it's been licked to me, lol
    I think I would have liked that walk through the woods.

  3. I'd have loved that walk...Did you like your porridge or where you simply hungry?

  4. Sounds like this experience is a very good one for you overall.
    Is it odd to be around so many people on walks and during the day?
    I think it's funny how we all want to know about the porridge. Does it have fruit in it? Nuts? And as e asked- do you like it or are you just really hungry?

  5. I like the shadows in the picture of your empty bowl. and I'd like a nice walk in the woods myself. glad it seems to be doing you some good since handing out chargers is part of your job.

  6. I like the reflection of the porridge bowl in the shadow and light, and the inner reflection of how to be more mindful in the moment with the students. Lovely.

  7. I remember when I visited Germany some 30 years ago. I wanted so badly to take a walk in the woods but, the woman I traveled with was not a very out-doors type. But, that's another story all together. I can sum it by saying, that's when I learned that I needed to be more selective in choosing a travel partner or go alone which I've done numerous times.
    I'm glad your workshop is going well.

  8. That sounds like such an interesting workshop - a sound boat, a walk in the forest, ways to be mindful. I'm enjoying your reports from the front line :)

    I thought the same as Briony - your bowl looked VERY clean - lol

  9. So glad the retreat is resetting everything for you.

  10. Just saw a story the other day about the value of visiting nature frequently.
