Friday, April 1, 2022

This Crazy Spring

I took this picture last weekend, back when it seemed like spring had arrived. The tree was beginning to bloom in a cloud of pink, the sun was shining and that mysteriously omnipresent blue car was and still is in its parking space. (As you can see from the pavement, the car has a permit, so I guess it's not all that mysterious -- maybe just a matter of someone reserving the space permanently. Can anyone do that? I have no idea. All the other cars on our street seem to move around, though.)

Anyway, since then, we have reverted back to winter. Here's what was going on yesterday evening after I got home from work:

Brrrrrr! The nighttime temperatures have been right around freezing.

I stayed in last night and finished reading "Station Eleven," which was excellent. I have to thank the co-worker who recommended it to me.

I got an e-mail from Royal Albert Hall a couple of nights ago saying, "Don't forget your upcoming performance!" I thought, "WHAT performance?" Well, it turns out those tickets that Dave and I bought way back in 2019 for the 2020 film music gala by the Royal Philharmonic are finally going to be put to use. The concert, which was cancelled, rescheduled and then cancelled again because of the pandemic, is now this weekend! I would have appreciated a bit more advance notice, though I'm sure they announced the date earlier and it's really my fault for not keeping better track of these things, but anyway, it's happening. Dave is still on the fence about whether he wants to go but I think I'll attend, and I have a friend lined up to take Dave's seat if he bows out.


  1. That was interesting to watch, was it snow or hail?

    1. Snow flurries! It all melted when it landed.

  2. Wow, March went out like a lion as the saying goes...

    1. Isn't it supposed to be "in like a lion, out like a lamb"? The lamb has not yet appeared. Actually, the lamb appeared in mid-March but then the lion came back.

  3. It is only just April, so I suppose you will receive some really cold weather. May is what you will be looking forward to.

    Tickets for an outing! What fun.

    1. We are having a very persistent cold snap. I'm ready for some warmth.

  4. The writing is on the road - not the pavement. The pavement is where pedestrians walk - on the other side of the car. I am happy to have cleared that up for you. Have a nice day!

    1. Anything paved is covered with pavement. Roads have pavement, and sidewalks (yes, sidewalks) have pavement.

  5. I read Station Eleven ages ago, and I think I remember liking it. Maybe I should re-download it onto my Nook app and read it again.

    Snow in April? No, no, no!

    1. It's a good book, but I'm not sure it would be AS good if you knew what was going to happen.

  6. I just popped in at Yorkshire Pudding and saw his photos of the snow. I guess that old saying about taking a minute and the weather will change is true!

    1. Absolutely! I think the expression (as I've heard it) is, "If you don't like the weather in England, wait a minute."

  7. Your garden is lovely. Even in spring snow.

  8. Snow? Really? That's insane but probably not completely out of the realm of probability.
    Enjoy your concert!

    1. On the BBC show "Gardener's World" the host has warned that frosts are possible all the way up to the beginning of May. I think that's especially true outside London and up north.

  9. The concert sounds like fun and I am sure you will enjoy it. We had snow flurries yesterday also but that is not unusual around here! I like the reflection/rainbow in the first photo. Blogger Robin Andrea will like that!

    1. It's frustrating to be taunted with spring weather and then have winter roll back in!

  10. I'm glad to hear you liked Station Eleven. Sometimes when I recommend a book, I forget to add that "really good" is just my opinion. Likes and dislikes are, of course, very subjective.

    The change to spring is only sure on the calendar. It used to boggle my mind that people would say "I packed away the coats and boots and look at the snow we just got!" every single year, as if they'd never lived through an actual spring before :)

    1. I think anyone who takes a book recommendation has to realize that it's subjective.

  11. It is hard to reconcile in my brain how global warming and these cold wet springs we have had this year and last but I know they must be connected somehow. I suppose the southern hemisphere is enjoying an unusually long and seasonable fall like we had last year.

    1. I don't know what's going on down south, but I've always read that "global warming" is actually something of a misnomer -- that the better term is "climate change." That allows for unseasonably cool shifts as well.

  12. Oh, I'd love a concert at the Royal Albert. Or to take its facilities tour. I'm glad you're set with back-up if Dave doesn't go.

    When I saw the photo of that street I did a double take, for the houses look very much like those on the street my friend Jenny lives, off Finchley road. I'm sure MANY streets look that way but it was a bit of an audible gasp!

    We're having the same up-and-down weather as you but I think a little colder for longer. Certainly no blooms have popped -- the best we can offer are green shoots. But I'll take it. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for coming by the other day!

    1. WE live off Finchley Road! Where does your friend live? We're in West Hampstead.

  13. It's always disappointing to get poor weather after it has been nice.

  14. I loved watching the snow fall there. It's a bit late in the season for that sort of thing, but still it was a lovely little flurry. I hope the temps warmed up and spring really stays for good now.

    1. I like the way it looks but I hate the way it feels. I think it must be such a shock for the little plants and the nesting birds, even though they're designed to withstand it.

  15. It was a battle here between winter and spring but spring did finally win out.

  16. That blossoming tree is a sure sign of Spring. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  17. Good heavens, snow flurries? Yikes! And wind makes it even worse. Stay warm!

    1. Yeah, it was really gusty when I made that video.

  18. Snow?! At least at this time of the year it won't be around long. I adored "Station Eleven" and thought the ending was beautiful.

  19. I looked up Station Eleven, it sort of sounds like now, only worse. The video was good, it captured the spirit of the wind.

    1. Yes, it definitely resonates in this pandemic era!

  20. The last time I saw snow was January of 2014 when I went back to Minnesota to the final things before selling our house there. I will be happy to never see snow again! Except, of course, in photos and videos! Enjoy the concert!

    1. I would love to be in a place with a climate like yours. And England isn't even really cold -- certainly nothing like Minnesota.

  21. I bet that wind was sharp! Even though we're having unseasonably cool nights, we're having the typical spring "severe weather". *sigh*

    I'm glad you enjoyed Station Eleven. I'm excited about her next book which comes out Tuesday. The only other I've read by her was The Glass Hotel. It was good, but not as good as Station Eleven.

  22. That's a pretty tree. I would go to that event, too.

    1. I just wish we'd remembered a little earlier so I could have planned for it better.

  23. I just a short time ago read YP's blog with it's pictures of the snow in England. Happy April Fool's Day!

    1. Of course! This is Mother Nature's big April Fool's joke! I didn't even think of that.
