Sunday, March 9, 2008


Have you ever had that mentally blocked feeling, when your mind is buzzing but you can't sit down and organize your thoughts long enough to produce a coherent narrative? Well, that's been me this week. I've been busy, but the buzz is more than mere busyness - it's also an overarching sense of recalcitrance. Like, I'm sick of thinking. Don't make me think anymore.

Fortunately, I finally have a chance today to back away from the work week, return to my cushion, and relax with the blog - with the cat on my lap, of course.

So what's going on? Well, lots of work stuff. Continuing changes on the job. Nothing bad, necessarily, but certainly some new challenges. I have several different projects in the air.

Fortunately, I've had some fun, too. My friend Bob and I went to the Museum of Modern Art yesterday to see their new exhibit on color - interesting stuff, because of course MoMA never disappoints. We had planned to go up to the Bronx to see the orchid show at the botanical garden with Brian, but the weather was hideously rainy, so we decided to stay close to home instead. We'll do the orchids another week.

Today, on the other hand, is brilliantly blue and cold. I went walking this morning and took some photos in Chinatown and down by the Brooklyn Banks, as the area under the Brooklyn Bridge is known. (Popular skateboarding territory, and lots of street art.)

And I'm psyched because I have reservations to visit Palm Springs early next month with my friends Christopher and Jerry. I'll fly to LA and then we'll drive to PS for a few days. I can't wait!

(Photo: Fence in Red Hook, Brooklyn, Feb. 2008)


  1. Love this photo. Dont stress about the work problems, go take a few photos and the rest will take care of itself.

  2. i love this photo too
    (but you knew that, right?)

    glad you are getting some fun too

  3. Enjoy yourself & take care ,

    Tracy Ho

  4. Palm Springs is great unless it's a hundred and plenty. Have a great time.

  5. never been to ps but deserts never disappoint.

    I've planned a week vacation end of march/early april for museum hopping (beginning with the frida show!!)and visiting friends and some of my old stomping grounds - nyc is on the agenda, hope you'll be in town...if not perhaps I'll meet you in d.c in may??
