Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Parade

Bob and I went to Fifth Avenue yesterday afternoon to see what was left of the Easter Parade. We got there pretty late, so all we could find was this lone dog, named Cookie, dressed in her Easter best. When I asked Cookie's owner if I could take a photo, she insisted on putting Cookie's bonnet on first.

People are so strange.


  1. If you think people are strange, imagine what Cookie thinks of us.

  2. Maybe Cookie is singing "oh lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz"
    or maybe Cookie is just waiting for the indignities to cease...

  3. Dennis feels Cookie's pain and humiliation.

  4. What a great post!

    Stranger even than people is the way dogs are so tolerant of our odd habits. Don't you think?

    Awww! Cookie is so cute!

  5. poor cookie, it isn't easy being green.

  6. Cookie would look so dignified without the dress! Her posture would probably improve too-- she looks put upon.

  7. OMG! How CUTE is that?
