Sunday, March 2, 2008

No Rest

Well, my "day of rest" yesterday turned into a day of errands. Nothing very exciting: I cleaned my house, went to the gym, got a new watchband, bought cereal, bought a Beatles CD ("Beatles for Sale," from 1964).

Last night I went to see "The Buddha Play" with some friends from the Zendo. It was quite poetic, and certainly conveyed the simple beauty of the Buddha's philosophy. I found myself letting go even as I watched, settling once again into the simplicity of practice. Unfortunately, I was also so tired that I struggled to stay awake toward the end - no fault of the production itself.

(Photo: Shadows from the Pierre Hotel on the building next door, Feb. 2008)


  1. Hope there's more spaciousness in today than yesterday, and a nice long sleep tonight.

  2. great shadow play - looks like a buddha - of course, you know that!!!

    sorry your anticipated day of rest turned into a day of errands - but I sense can find much joy in such mundane tasks - are you familiar with gary thorp's sweet little book "sweeping changes"

  3. Dennis is trying to get some rest today. The photo is really relaxing to look at. Shadows are like that.

  4. Kimy: I LOVE that book! I do indeed get a great deal of pleasure from minor tasks. :)

    Reya: Thanks! I got eight hours last night, but I think I need another eight. :)

    Dennis: Rest up, big guy!

  5. Take Care, Steve!

  6. The days go by so quickly
