Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Exploiting Tina Louise

I was looking at my Google referrals yesterday - it's amazing how many hits I get from searches for Tina Louise. All because of just one post! I think I'm going to mention Tina Louise every day, just to increase my blog traffic.

For some reason, when I woke up this morning, this jingle popped into my head. And now I can't stop singing it. Sometimes I'm scared of what lives in my brain.


  1. Thanks for sharing than *DAMN* jingle, Steve. ;-)

  2. It was the Batman theme going through my head this morning. Oliver Sacks just wrote a book about music and the brain. And yeah, it IS scary!! (lol)

  3. There. I learned two new things on your blog today:
    - I had been spared the Honeycomb commercial up till now, Steve. A part of my brain now wanders in the same scary places as yours.
    - dare I write this publicly? I...didn't even know the name Tina Louise. I read it here first. Tina Louise. Tina Louise. Tina Louise (just doing my share to increase your blog traffic)

  4. Dennis is afraid of the robot!

  5. I always thought Tina Louise was sort of scary. Did you read that Mary Ann got busted the other day?

  6. I did read that, Merle. Mary Ann always seemed like she had a hidden wild side!

  7. ha! maybe i'll refer to your Tina Louise post on my blog too......
    that way, we both get extra hits.
