Friday, April 25, 2008

Lettuce & Betty

Yesterday I had a welcome respite from the weekday grind. I left work early to zip home and meet with Lettuce, who’s visiting New York and staying in a hotel about a block from my apartment. She and her friend Betty stopped by and met my cat, who was unappreciative, as usual. Then we set out for a good diner lunch and stroll down to the East Village to find some street art.

It was an amazing day, warm and blue and sunny (the latter much to Betty’s fair-skinned chagrin). We explored for a couple of hours and found some pretty good stuff around Tompkins Square Park and down to Houston on Avenue B. It was an added bonus that Betty and Lettuce had seen “Rent” on Broadway, so I got to explain that it was all set in the exact neighborhood where we were walking.

The only downer came when we visited one of my favorite street art walls in the East Village, on Second Street, and found it utterly obliterated -- totally painted over and blank. A guy working at a nearby gas station told us quite spontaneously that it was buffed about two weeks ago. (I think he’d seen us looking at it longingly.)

Later we met up with Bob, who joined us at the pub One and One, at the corner of First Street and First Avenue. We had a pint (or was it two?) and set off into SoHo, where although the light was fading we found more great street art, like the little fellow above.

It was terrific to get away from work and, of course, Lettuce and Betty are charming. What better way to spend an afternoon than in cross-cultural exchange? Makes for a better world all around.

(Photo: Houston Street, April 2008)


  1. I agree. My walks with you are always so wonderful. Great to think of you and Lettuce, (and Betty, too!) exploring.

    There's a series of little street art stickers someone attached to the sides of the escalator at the Dupont Circle metro station. I love riding past the series of images. Like being at an exhibition with a moving walkway. Every time I see them I think of you.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Betty and Letty are fabulous!

    sorry about your wall.

  3. sounds like a jolly fun time!

    in no time some enterprising street artist will find the second street wall has been properly primed and will create a new wonder to behold.

    cute little fellow! xox

  4. Oh, oh, oh -- will you take me on a similar tour later this summer? I'll buy the pints!

  5. Those Reed kids...throwing down the booze again!

  6. love the shading on the street art. He has one eye like a gecko and the other like a donut.

  7. Reya: It's probably unlikely those stickers will still be there when I visit next week -- but I hope so!

    Ched: Betty and Letty! LOL

    Kim: You're right. That wall won't be blank for long. And truthfully, it had become rather cluttered.

    JDZS: Absolutely! :)

    Utah: Yeah, we're a messy bunch, aren't we?

    Lee: I love this little guy, too. I've never seen any other similar work. I don't know whose he is, but I wonder if he's French, given the "achet" signature?

    Pod: You'll get your turn one of these days. :)

  8. Steve,
    Seems like you had a wonderful time. I was happy that you mentioned "Rent" because I was wondering if they had any problems picking up the tickets. Whew! See you soon my friend.

  9. Hey Steve!
    A big hello and an even bigger thank you for a really terrific day. Despite the sunburn (:p) I'm missing the sun in NYC as it's quite cool in London and it's been raining today.
    It was a real pleasure to meet you and Bob.
    Am currently sorting thru my photos. Who knows, I may even risk a blog post.
