Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I know you!

I’m always amazed when I meet another blogger in person, and I feel like I know them -- even though it’s the first time we’ve technically met. That was the case with Gary when I first met him several months ago, and now I can say the same about Kim, who’s visiting New York. She and Gary and I went for a quick drink last night (VERY quick, since they had to get to a show) and it was fun to compare notes and see our common “blog mind” in action! Go bloggers!

I wonder if Tina Louise ever thought about blogging?

(Photo: Park Avenue, March 2008)


  1. Steve,
    It was great seeing you again. Now we are 'old' friends. Thanks again for picking up the tab. I'll get the next round.

    Xanadu was a fun show, really over the top and campy. I do love the music - heaven help me - but missed Miss ONJ. (Of course it was no Mama Mia!)

  2. it was great meeting you in the (clothed) flesh! too bad the meeting was so brief, before we know there will be another gathering of folks from the cyberhood (there needs to be some type of attractive turn of phrase/words for this concept).

    ditto on the drink, thanks! so gary's good for the next round - I'll take the one after!

    have a great mini vacation.

  3. Maybe you and Gary and I can all meet when I'm in NYC this July? FUN! I'm here in Buffalo - NY's 2nd largest city - braving the wind, interviewing at Buffalo State, and meeting another blogger, Drew!

  4. I was hoping the Tina Louise plug threat was a just a joke!

  5. Well, it is a joke, but I'm not done with it yet. :)

  6. Tina Louise SHOULD blog. What's stopping her??

    Wonderful to think about ya'all having a quick drink together. I love my blog kin and friends so much.

  7. With respect to Tina Louise and blogging, can you blog while wearing sequins?

  8. Merle: I'm not sure! But I have a few friends who probably know the answer...

  9. "blog in sequins"...Why forever not? So long as they're attached to something. Terrible chore, holding all those sequins in place with one hand and typing with the other. Ask Tina. Or Louise. Or both.

  10. :oD

    lets hope meeting me is not the exception. can't wait!!!!!!
