Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I saw “Boeing-Boeing” on Broadway last night, a hilarious 1960s sex farce starring Christine Baranski, Gina Gershon and Mark Rylance. It was a hoot! Set back in the era of glamorous air travel, it’s about a man who juggles multiple stewardess girlfriends without any of them knowing it -- until they all arrive in town at the same time. It deliberately exaggerates stereotypes about the French, Germans, Italians and Americans -- including, specifically, people from Wisconsin. The towering, severe German stewardess played by Mary McCormack is especially funny.

I finished my Nexium this morning, so time will tell whether my stomach issues return. I haven’t done myself any favors over the past few weeks, having a martini, spicy Thai food, three cups of coffee a day, etc. (Yes, I was supposed to avoid all of that. But it’s surprisingly difficult when you find yourself in social situations -- or, in the case of the coffee, falling asleep at your desk.)

(Photo: Ghost leaf, East Village, May 2008)


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed that your stomach will continue to feel fine.

    You don't really overdo anything, so no need to feel guilty. You're so good!

  2. It's been years since I saw Boeing-Boeing so I don't remember which one of the stewardesses delivers the line: "you're such a classic one-woman man" or something to that effect. In context, it was particularly amusing, given my live-in companion's tangled tales on that very theme. (I've saved some of the more imaginative ones for my own writing.)

    Hope you stay better. Enjoy the Thai food (don't worry, the coconut milk neutralizes the spices - uh-huh.)

  3. Was Bill Clinton there?...

    Sorry about that!

  4. I love Christine Baranski!

  5. Wow, you have sold me on seeing this show now. I was unsure before I read your 'review' so I'll let you know what I thought after I see it.

    I agree with Reya - no guilt. You are beautiful in the care you take of yourself. Keeping my fingers crossed as well.

  6. I hear it's really, really funny.
