Monday, June 9, 2008


Another scorcher yesterday. Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I took the opportunity to walk through Brooklyn -- from Bushwick down through Bedford-Stuyvesant. Found lots of interesting street art and old-fashioned graffiti, and saw a lot of areas I’d never visited before. Walked for two hours. Drank lots of water.

My goal was my friend Kelly’s house. She and her partner, Kim, just adopted a new baby (to add to the one they already have). The baby’s name is Beatriz, and she’s adorable, of course. I held her for a long time and she seemed very trusting. Her older sister, Maeve, is now three, and totally cute in her own right.

We had a little backyard barbecue and then I hustled off to Greenpoint (another part of Brooklyn) to say goodbye to Bryn and Jeff, who are about to drive off on a cross-country adventure that will end with them living in Seattle. They’re basically just packing the car and taking off, and seeing what happens when they get out there. I admire that kind of spirit!

(Photo: Philadelphia, May 2008)


  1. Sounds like a great weekend. I did some walking, but not a lot of walking. It was so hot!

    Love the phrase "old fashioned graffiti." Wow.

    Hope your stomach is feeling better. Stay cool...

  2. congrats to kelly and kim. I like the names they choose - maeve has been a fave, never ran across beatriz before - a nice twist perhaps on beatrix! zzzzz is most fun.

    I didn't do too much walking over the weekend.... too hot! once I got home from work friday night my activities were extremely local.

    wow, your seattle bound friends are brave! I too admire that spirit, unfortunately we're a bit to nervous to do something that bold!

    yes, as reya remarked hope your tummy is better.

  3. I hate to "feed" stereotypes, but any mention of Brooklyn calls to mind the BEST FREAKING BAGELS i've ever had. And I don't care if it's purely scientific (i.e., the water) or magical (i.e., brooklyn bagel pixie dust), but PRAISE ALLAH for HOT BAGELS, about a block from the Kings Highway subway station.

    Had my first one in 1988 and never forgot it. Any visit to NYC since then must come with a trip across the bridge for bagels.

    anyway. you were saying...?

  4. yes i admire that kind of spirit! not sure i could ever do it .... but the idea definately appeals.

    glad to hear you are sensibly and healthily drinking lots of water. but doesn't that make NYC's lack of public conveniences rather inconvenient?

  5. Reya: I'll update on the stomach tomorrow. Long story short -- it's better!

    Kim: Her birth mother is Mexican, hence the Spanish version of Beatrice.

    Intangible: I gotta be more adventurous about my bagel-eating!

    Lettuce: Not when you're sweating it all out!

  6. Stay cool - right now I wish for your heat (I love the heat). Your friends who are coming here will LOVE it though - Seattle is a a GREAT city in so many ways - even though I am kinda ready to leave, at least part-time (after 13 years of living here I just want to try someplace new). Glad you are feeling better, too.
