Sunday, June 1, 2008


Yesterday I went to a marathon wedding on Long Island. My friends Rich and Luis tied the knot in a very traditional way: a church ceremony, followed by a reception with champagne toasts and a DJ, white floral centerpieces and butter carved into the shape of swans. There was SO much food, too. Holy cow.

I’ve always heard that Long Island is legendary for elaborate weddings, and this was probably as elaborate as I’ve ever seen. It was also very multicultural -- the ceremony included readings from a Korean author and the Native Americans, and the Jewish tradition of smashing the wine glass. Luis is Colombian, so it also had a South American twist here and there.

If any of us had any doubts about how mainstream gay weddings were becoming, we had only to look around. Rich’s parents and older aunts and uncles were all there, along with other guests all up and down the age spectrum: neighbors, friends, nieces, nephews. It was a remarkable thing. Events like this hold an important cultural message for both straight and gay participants, whether technically legal or not. A public declaration of love is always healthy.

Congrats, Rich and Luis. You’re a great couple, and you’re great friends.

(Photo: Williamsburg, Brooklyn, May 2008)


  1. Congratulations to Rich and Luis. The world needs more happiness.

  2. Congrats to the newlyweds. In another 30 years, no one will even think about whether they're "gay" or "straight" or "bi." People will just be people, falling in love, getting married, breaking up, having kids, or not, cheating on each other, making up.

    It's exciting to live during the time of such a big change. Exhiliarating.

    LOVE the plants growing from between the bricks.

  3. congrats!!

    I hope reya's prediction comes to pass.

  4. I agree with Reya, I cannot figure out what the conflict is--I don't buy any of the arguments people give against gay marriage--the arguments seem silly to me. People love to denounce stuff I guess.

  5. F _ _ K technically legal! True love is true love and I like your theory on declarations of such. Your shadow box rocks ... My house is filled with Moroccan rugs and love that you lived there. Peace, love and good vibes your way!

  6. Steve,
    I'm so glad we made your blog. I'm also glad to see such positive comments. Too bad we have to leave the country to get legally married.
    OK, Steve, I finally entered the blogosphere with . my own blog
