Sunday, April 8, 2012


Dave is planning to cook up a storm today for our Easter dinner. He had an elaborate menu planned featuring squid, scallops and some other foods that he was ultimately unable to find at our grocery store (having lost them to earlier customers during the Easter rush). So we're having lamb instead. I always feel guilty eating lamb, because I picture, well, lambs.

As I mentioned the other day, our friends Marilyn and Jason are here from the states, and we've been showing them around town a bit. Last night we went down to the Thames to show them Parliament, Westminster Cathedral and the London Eye after dark. Today we'll mostly just eat, I think!

I was about to write that we don't really celebrate Easter in the Christian sense. But maybe that's not quite true. Obviously, and most literally, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. But it also marks rebirth, new life, and reawakening in the natural and spiritual worlds -- all of which I feel quite comfortable celebrating.

So happy Easter, everybody!

(Photo: An eggshell (robin?) and catkin beneath a tree in Shoreditch, March 26.)


  1. Happy Easter to you, Steve. That is the perfect photo --

  2. Happy Easter to you too! Love the egg photo - Elizabeth is right. It's perfect.

  3. I couldn't have said it better myself. I love your words. :)

    Ms. M
