Friday, April 27, 2012


All the windy, rainy weather of the past few days has shaken loose millions of petals from the blooming trees. The streets are paved with pink and white!

The petals in that last photo, from the big white tree, were stuck to our sixth-floor kitchen window. When the wind howls, they really fly. It's like a snowstorm!

Despite all the wet weather, I was able to get out yesterday for two walks with my camera and a brief run. Today I have a second interview for a part-time job, so we'll see how that goes!


  1. A pink snowstorm? I can't think of anything nicer.

  2. I love it! I've tried to get pictures of flower "blankets" around trees, but never could quite get it right. These pictures are great.

    Good luck on your interview (which you've probably had by now)...

  3. The petals in front of the black Rover make for a neat picture. Very UK.

    Thanks for the shirt by the way. Awesome!

  4. Looks like there has been a wedding. Lol

    Ms. M
