Monday, April 23, 2012


Just a quick snapshot of some tulips I picked up at Tesco. They're very springy, aren't they?

Pam arrived yesterday, and we spent the afternoon walking all the way around Hyde Park. Fortunately, she's as much of a wanderer as I am. She got to see most of the sights in the vicinity, and today we're going down to the Thames to walk the riverfront. Because she's not here very long, we're trying to see all that we comfortably can. Fortunately the weather has cooperated. (The rain that was forecast for this week has turned out to be a shower or two in an otherwise sunny day, rather than a persistent rain -- so I've had a lot more outdoor time than I thought I might.)

Last night Dave made dinner. Pam hadn't met Dave yet, so I'm glad they finally had an opportunity to connect! It's so funny -- I've been with Dave three years now, but many of my old friends haven't met him, because they're scattered around the country. I guess that's one advantage to a formal wedding, rather than a tiny simple ceremony like we had -- everyone gets together. Oh well -- we're taking our time with introductions!


  1. Little by little your two worlds will overlap. I've always found it interesting to see how my husband reacts to my friends of many years. Fortunately it is usually positive, but occasionally we have both questioned each other's choice in friends.

    The tulips are a lovely mix of colors.

  2. I am always a bit worried when old friends meet new friends/ significant others it's a bit unnerving not knowing who will get along and who wont. Glad all went well.

    Ms. M
