Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kitchen at 1:03 p.m.

I had such a quiet day yesterday. It was terrific. With a drizzly rain falling outside, Olga and I stayed close to home. I kept the TV off (I almost never watch TV when I'm home alone) and the music too. Work lightens up a lot on Fridays, so I mostly read and browsed the work of other photographers in books and on Flickr. I made a vegetable stir-fry for lunch, and as I was washing the dishes afterwards, I had one of those moments where everything seemed so beautiful -- right down to the paper towels.


  1. Those kinds of moments are truly special.

    And, look at your amaryllis!!

  2. I know those moments. They are moments of perfect awareness. I am glad you captured it.

  3. I'm having one of those days today. Rainy days inside are my favourite and, luckily, in England they're pretty common!

  4. moments of perfect awareness, as Ms Moon says. and then we get sucked back into the realities of physical existence.

  5. I, too, love those moments. And there's something especially beautiful about experiencing them alone.

  6. What a lovely picture. I see those chopsticks (I think?). I wasn't patient enough to use mine today, but sometimes I do when I want to slow myself down while I'm eating.

  7. Yep. Different kitchen, same moment.

  8. And that photo says it all! I even feel more peaceful looking at that!

  9. right down to the blue soap catching the drizzly light. beautiful indeed.
