Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sidewalk Sno-Cones

Excuse my French, but merde! It is COLD out there this morning. I took Olga out at 5:30, as per usual, and there were little clumps and patches of snow on the sidewalk. Olga treated them like sno-cones, diving in and snapping them up. She loves snow. I am not such a fan, particularly in March.

This is turning out to be a nightmare week for finding substitute teachers. For some reason many of my subs are tied up doing other things. I came perilously close to not having any to fill a job today, and I still have a job to fill on Thursday and no one to take it. Ugh. I mean, why do people think they can have a life?!

One of our amaryllis plants is blooming brilliant red on our kitchen windowsill. The other three have buds in varying stages of development. A touch of the tropics in the middle of our Arctic blast!

(Photo: Street art near the Heygate estate, Elephant & Castle, London.)


  1. That graffiti scares me. The letters remind me of entrails.
    Hang on. Hang in. It'll get warmer and people will quit being sick. I promise.

  2. You are up and out on the street at 5:30?! It's still night at 5:30.

  3. I'm with Ellen - ha! If I'm awake that early it's a total accident & I try really hard to get back to sleep. Although I do get up at 6:00 several days a week.

    Flower pictures please!!

  4. This is not what you needed, the cold, snow and recalcitrant subs. But this too shall pass.

    Easy for me to say.

  5. It has been many years since I've seen snow at this time of year...As others have said, bloody cold...I hope you do find a Thursday sub. Does Olga wear a doggie sweater?

  6. 'Pit Stop Bar' I see but, for the life of me, can't make out what the graffiti says...or is it saying anything. Spring is around the corner :)
