Saturday, March 30, 2013


While wandering in Camberwell on Thursday I came across this awesome art project on Blucher (neeiiighh!) Road. (If you know the movie "Young Frankenstein," you'll get that joke.)

Aren't these great? Apparently they are the result of a youth art project led by artist Jai Moody on behalf of something called Groundwork London. Here's the backstory.

I wish I'd taken a few more shots of the figures in the middle, but you get the idea.


  1. WOW! Love that project! You are so lucky to just walk around and find the most amazing stuff! Glad you got some freedom to roam with Olga in daycare. I took Dexter with me as always yesterday and got so many jerky shots I finally just dropped the leash and let him do his thing.Really love these heads that you captured!

  2. Just catching up, Steve since I wasn't doing much over the weekend on the computer.

    Love these! Did you study each one? They are all so interesting looking. How about the guy with the purple face and the crazy glasses?
