Sunday, April 7, 2013

Paris Preparations

Not a lot to report around here. I spent every free moment yesterday reading -- I'm trying my best to finish my 3.75-lb biography of Richard Brautigan before we depart for Paris tomorrow. I have about 100 pages to go. Then I can bring all our accumulated New Yorker and Harper's magazines, catch up on those en Paris, and contribute them to the solid waste disposal system in the City of Light when I'm done.

We cleaned out our closets this week and dragged a couple of bags of garments to the local Oxfam thrift shop. It always feels good to make room for new (and hopefully fewer) clothes. I almost never buy clothing. I don't understand how we wind up with so much. (Most of it was Dave's from before we got together -- it's been hanging around a while.)

Olga goes to the kennel this evening for boarding. Supposedly they'll take her out to suburban London where she can run free at a special "dog house" with all the other dogs. She's snoozing next to me on the couch now, with no idea what's about to happen, poor thing. She does like her routines.

(Photo: Golders Green, on Wednesday.)


  1. You ARE taking us with you to Paris, right?

  2. I am so freakin jealous of your Paris trip! Plane or train??

  3. Paris - the magical city! Hope you have a fabulous time. I'm sure Olga will love her break in routine too :)

  4. I am sure that you and Dave will have a wonderful time- can't help but! And Olga....probably very confusing for her especially over night but if they stick to their promise of a free romp I am sure it will take her mind off of you not being there.She will be so happy to see you when you return!
    Can't wait to see photos! Travel well.

  5. Have a great time. that's the problem with pets and travel. it's our problem anyway. can you board a cat?

  6. Have fun in Paree! Can't wait to see the wonderful photos.

  7. I love that graffiti -- the flowers and birds --

    And I love traveling so that I can read through New Yorkers and leave them wherever I am --

  8. Enjoy! As for your faithful four-legged companion, give her lots of treats and belly rubs when you return...

  9. Oh I can't wait to hear about your adventures in Paris! I have a moratorium on clothing purchases this year. So far, so good...2 years ago I made it to November and soon I'll be clearing out closets for a yard sale. Less IS more!
