Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Taking Wing

We're off to Bucharest this morning. Olga has been deposited with the dog-sitters -- they claim she's one of their favorite customers, but as Dave pointed out they probably say that to the owner of every dog. She tried to follow me, with desperate eyes, as I handed over her leash and backed out the door. It was sad.

I do plan to blog from Romania, though again, I don't know what the technology gods have in store. I'll do my darndest.

"The Golden Notebook" is improving. It seems very dated in its approach to psychology and the social circumstances of women, but at least it's becoming more readable -- which gives me something to do on the plane!

(Photo: Tottenham Court Road, London)


  1. Enjoy the trip...looking forward to your photos.

  2. Off to Bucha to get some rest? Haaa! I'm showing off my middle-school skills.

    Have fun!

  3. For some reason that is one of my favorite photos you've ever posted. A whole lot of disparate things going on in one picture with very few elements.
    Olga will be fine, I'm sure. Ten minutes, ten days- to dogs I suspect it may all be the same.
    Travel safely.

  4. How nice that you can take these short trips to other countries and cultures. Over here, the same short trip just takes you to more of the same.

  5. At least Olga only gave you the sad eyes. When we take our dogs to the kennel they plant their feet and don't want to go with the kennel attendant. Alex tries to head back out the door. Makes me feel awful!

    Ellen: I respectfully disagree. You could take a short trip to Mexico. Also, a trip to New Jersey would surely show you a cultural change-up! ;)

  6. Happy Trails! Be thinking of you guys! And Olga, of course.

  7. Cannot wait to hear about this trip!!!
