Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Daily Haiku

Dave and I often laugh about British television -- its irreverence and unpredictability. For example, last night during a commercial break, out of the blue, the announcer on Channel 4 offered "Today's Haiku":

The cat is wary
Ice cubes jingle in my glass
The day is ending.

Drily funny, is it not? Especially between dreary newscasts on television.

I didn't mean to worry anyone about Olga yesterday when I said she had indigestion. It really was just that. She was eating a little less and being a bit less active than usual, but still hopping up for walks at any opportunity. And then yesterday morning she pooped out a stick, and now she's fine. Problem solved. I have a feeling this is just going to be a way of life around here.

(I did discover that if I take a toy with us when we walk, I can give her the toy when she starts developing the urge to pick up sticks, and she'll gnaw the toy instead. This may keep down stick intake. One hopes.)

She goes to the dog-sitter this afternoon, in preparation for our trip to Bucharest. We won't see her again until Sunday.

I applied for the job I mentioned the other day. Interviews start next month. We'll keep our fingers crossed. I'm honestly of two minds about working full time, so even if I don't get it I'll be OK. That's sort of why I haven't had anything to write about the last few days -- thinking about this potential change is taking up so much of my brain.

(Photo: Hackney, on April 4.)


  1. Let the fates decide about the job? What a great idea!

    Also, Olga and sticks and indigestion - sound like the story of my life with Jake.

    Have fun in Bucharest!

  2. The Daily Haiku was hysterical! Really? That was it? Who wrote that? Could I maybe get a job writing The Daily Haiku for Channel 4?
    I like trying for things I don't really care about that much- this seems inevitably to lead to more success in getting them. Is this due to being unattached as the Buddhists tell us we should be?
    I don't know.

  3. Do they do those little Haikus often? How droll. :)

    Glad Olga is fine. My three eat sticks all the time but normally they don't bother them. They do have a tendency to stay in the stomach and cause upset until more food comes along to push them through.

    Can you share what kind of job it is? If it's meant for you, then you'll get it. It will be a big change if you do!

    Have a marvelous time in Bucharest. I hope you're brining us along with you? Please?

  4. well, I see I've missed some action. pooping sticks and full time work.

  5. I forgot about Bucharest! Now I'm all excited again...

    Boy I'm glad I don't eat sticks - that does NOT sound comfortable!

    I think I'll start a weekly haiku on my blog. Here's my first try:

    Olga sees a stick
    Its myriad tastes call her
    She cannot pass by

  6. I've been meaning to check in (belatedly) about The Golden Notebook, which I read YEARS ago. I don't remember anything about the plot, but I do remember experiencing an epiphany at the end that made me feel like I understood why so many women see it as being a profound book. I'm being purposefully vague here, as I don't want to give "the epiphany" away.

    This being said, in retrospect, The Epiphany seems rather obvious: isn't that true of many epiphanies? I think it's the kind of realization lots of women needed to experience during the 1960s when the book came out, and that lots of women still need to make in their 20s or 30s (or whenever it was when I read the book). It's entirely possible (probable, in fact) that you've already come to this conclusion on your own and thus don't neat Doris Lessing revealing obvious epiphanies for you. Again, I read it years ago, when I was younger and in "need" of epiphanies.

    (If you choose to bail on the book, I can say more. I'm honestly not sure The Epiphany is worth withstanding 400 pages of bone-dry tome.)

  7. Reya: If you endured life with a stick-eating dog, I suppose I can too!

    Ms Moon: It's like relationships. Everyone says you find a partner when you stop looking. I don't know if that's true, but it's a nice idea. :)

    Lynne: I've never heard the haiku before. I think, despite its name, this was a one-off. I'd rather not give job details until I know whether I've got it, which unfortunately is going to take a while.

    Ellen: Things move fast around here, LOL!

    Bug: That was HILARIOUS. Dave and I had a good laugh. Thanks.

    E: Thanks!

    Lorianne: The book is improving a bit, though it DOES seem very dated. Your reason is exactly why I try never to give up on a book, even one I dislike -- sometimes when you get toward the end you have a revelation that makes clear what the author was trying to do. (And unfortunately, sometimes you don't!)
