Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Here we are, in 2014. Did you ever think it would be 2014? When we passed the millennium mark  in 2000 it seemed positively sci-fi, and now we're already 14 years past that. Scary!

After much thought, Mom decided that one of the things she wanted to do yesterday was visit Ikea. She'd never been, and kept hearing about it, and wanted to see what it all looked like. So we went to the palace of inexpensive Scandinavian furniture and prowled the aisle past all those goods with unpronounceable names, and then had lunch in the cafe -- Swedish meatballs with potatoes and lingonberry sauce. I must say they were terrific. When Ikea first opened here it was considered stylish for downtown workers to journey there for Swedish meatballs at lunch, or so I was told at the time by one of my downtown-working friends. I'm not sure that's still the case, but we felt bizarrely swish nonetheless.

Yesterday was full of interesting wildlife encounters. Mom and I saw fox squirrels on our neighbor's property, where the house is being torn down -- we wondered if they were traumatized by the demolition, but they seemed unaffected. (It's a large spread and the new homeowners are saving nearly all of the trees, so I think the squirrels should be fine.) Then I set out on an afternoon walk -- to work off the meatballs, which were sitting in my stomach like those piles of metal cannonballs at St. Augustine -- and I saw sixteen wild turkeys in a field! I have never seen so many turkeys in one place. I ran home for the camera and got some shots, which I promise to post tomorrow. We also saw a distant pair of bald eagles sitting in a pine snag, but they were too far away to get much of a photo.

We toasted the New Year yesterday evening, sitting on the dock with a bottle of Freixenet from Publix, laughing about neighbors past and present and, apropos of nothing, the South Carolina woman who stabbed her husband with a ceramic squirrel. (I suppose it's not really funny, especially for the husband. Or the squirrel. But you try not to laugh.)

I'm heading back to my dad's today.

(Photo: An osprey flying over the lake.)


  1. Just wonderful the relationship you have with your parents...I have the same and it brings much joy!

  2. Beautiful shot of the osprey. Your new year's activities sound great. I haven't been to Ikea in years but, your description is dead on. It's a place I think my mother would have enjoyed visiting (once) if she'd had the chance. I went to two parties last night with me best friend, David but we left the last one at 11:30 and headed home before the crazies got on the road. Today I'll be off to a friends house for some black-eyed peas for luck. Silly, but I do it anyway.

  3. Don't you love the Osprey?
    Sounds like a fine New Year's Eve.
    Are you going to eat black-eyed peas? I need to get some started here.

  4. Happy New Year Steve. The resident pair of red shouldered hawks were perched in the top of a tree in the Wild Space that separates my neighbor's property from the 13 Acre Field yesterday, but like the eagles, too far away for a good pick.

  5. The squirrel stabbing is hilarious. The new year won't be so happy for that guy and I should think he will never forget to bring home the beer again...Glad you are having such a great time with your folks, it is so important! I can't do that anymore and I miss them so. Wonderful shot of the bird, I showed it to the cockatiels and they said "pretty bird pretty bird pretty bird" because that is about the only thing they can say...

  6. Happy new year! You bring back the memory of the fact that when I was pregnant with my daughter, all I craved were those Ikea meatballs with loganberry sauce.

  7. It sounds like a wonderful journey.

    How is your dad?

  8. Wow, I've never seen an osprey. What a beautiful bird and what a beautiful photo!

    My sister goes to Ikea just for the swedish meatballs!

    Happy New Year Steve!
