Saturday, January 11, 2014

Whitehall, Then and Now

Two views of Whitehall in London -- one from my Dad, taken in 1957...

...and one taken by me yesterday morning. It's pretty amazing how similar they look, right down to the location of the trees. More street lighting, more street markings, wider sidewalks and cleaner buildings, but otherwise pretty much the same view!


  1. I am totally amazed. You positioned yourself perfectly to get exactly the same view.

  2. Love this iteration of your before/after picture series. I used to love your pics in NYC of street art, then the same scene painted over, or your seasonal difference pics.

    Very cool!

  3. pretty damn good to find nearly the exact spot your dad stood. and much cleaner buildings.

  4. Good work Steve, especially matching the perspective/POV.

  5. Where the buildings gray because of the use of coal back then? They look so much better clean! I am loving these shots of your Dad's.

  6. That is remarkable, you in this time same place and little has changed in the appearance of that street. That in itself is remarkable! Ahhh, there'll always be an England...
    Don't you LOVE the old busses!!! WANT ONE!

  7. That's very cool! I love how the buildings are cleaner today --

  8. It is heartening to know that many parts of London have not changed. On my to do list is to search historical photos of SF from the library site show contemporary views.
