Monday, January 6, 2014

Home, Bleary-Eyed

I am back in London, but thought I'd leave you with one more Florida photo. I drove past this restaurant in Tampa three times before I was able to finally get a shot without hordes of cars out front. Apparently Martha's is a rockin' place!

My flight home went well -- it seemed relatively fast, consumed as it was by my current book, which I have neglected for the past week and a half, and two movies, "Enough Said" and "The Fifth Estate." The former was good, the latter only OK -- it's about WikiLeaks, and since all the action mainly involves typing, the director had to go to great lengths with fast edits and whatnot to try to lend it some excitement.

Now I'm sitting at my desk and I really need to get to work. More tomorrow!


  1. Glad to know you're safe and sound. Try to get some rest!

  2. Glad you are home safe and sound! I was thinking about you and wondering if you had to make a connection in Chicago again with all the cancelled flights.

  3. it's always good to get home. glad the trip seemed fast.

  4. I'm glad you had safe travels -- and that you got that great shot of the restaurant. I wonder what Martha's serves!

  5. I wonder who chose that paint color. Though - it's a Florida color, isn't it? Flamingo pink.
