Sunday, March 15, 2015

95 Streets!

Yesterday was a super-productive day of shooting -- 95 streets over 3 postcodes for Bleeding London! This is the second-to-last weekend I'll be able to shoot before the March deadline, so I wanted to get out and really hoof it. I started near Golders Green, finished up that postcode, and made my way to Colindale and worked on that one.

I pretty much walked from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., stopping long enough in late morning to eat a chocolate croissant on a bench in the Brent Cross tube station. The station was very quiet, it being the weekend, and it was actually kind of peaceful, sitting there and watching a handful of people wander in and out.

I walked through iffy-looking council estates, past fields of daffodils, over creeks and over superhighways. I saw stately swans, kids playing on scooters, blooming camellias and deteriorating stuffed animals hanging on a fence. I had a great time.

All my photos aren't up on the Bleeding London web gallery yet -- I've been stymied by a technical issue -- but they'll be there before too long. I took a few shots just for myself, like this super-colorful grocery store in Golders Green.

I know you're all sick to death of hearing about this project, and I apologize for regaling you with it yet again. (Imagine how Dave must feel!) But when it eats up my entire day I just don't have anything else to tell you, except that we had our friend Lisa over for dinner last night. Dave made steaks and I made a round of killer martinis!


  1. Bleeding hell, i love the red and blue colours in that photo

  2. Why IS it called Bleeding London?
    Oh, Steve. What a perfect thing for you to have been doing all these months. I am not bored with it. Dave may be, but I am not.
    How were the martinis?

  3. I wish we had small markets like that with their produce out on the street. so cool. anyway...get 'er done.

  4. I will be sad to have your Bleeding London finished, truly have enjoyed all of the walks and photos. Interesting town! You certainly cover some ground, Sir!!! WOW, youth and vigor is on your side! There may have been a day when I could have walked for miles from sun up to sunset but...I don't think so. Well done!!!

  5. I have to say that your Bleeding London trips and photos are never boring. I've learned about and seen much more of London than I would have otherwise and I will be sad when it ends. I think it has been a wonderful project for you.

  6. Congrats on the big photo day! I've had a busy weekend so I'm just catching up and wanted to say how much I enjoyed the street view post from yesterday. I haven't play around much with street view and I see that I should. I tend to get hooked on Google Earth and of course, street view has a lot more to offer. The link to Jon Rafman's site was fun.

  7. I'm not sick to death of hearing about it at all! I think it'd be cool to reproduce it over here -- maybe even in Los Angeles! Can you imagine?

  8. I've thoroughly enjoyed Bleeding London! And I really really want to shop at that store - yum!
