Sunday, March 22, 2015

Back to England!

I'm sitting at the airport gate in Singapore, waiting to board our A380 for home. It's a massive plane with two levels, according to Dave. He's been excited about it for weeks. I kind of hope there's a grand piano and a martini bar, like in "Airport '77," with Lee Grant cracking wise in furs and jewels. (But with a happier outcome overall.)

The flight home is 14 hours or thereabouts -- longer than the flight here. Headwinds, I suppose. Thank goodness I have a long novel and one more New Yorker to read!

Last night's concert was tremendous -- the best high school honor band concert I've seen. The students played Shostakovich, Grainger, Holst and others. I was very impressed. I was also slightly late getting there, because I took the subway and the school was located on the other side of the island -- fifteen stops from our hotel. I just didn't budget enough time. But I only missed the first ten minutes or so.

In the Singapore subway there are advertisements for proper behavior. (Don't bring your durians aboard, for one thing.) One of the ads cautions men against accosting women -- if they do they stand to be arrested for "outrage of modesty," which I think is a great term. It would be a good band name, wouldn't it?

They're calling our flight. Off to the friendly skies!

(Photo: A lotus flower in Gardens by the Bay, yesterday.)


  1. 14 hours on a plane! I'd like to go to Australia and New Zealand but the longs fights seem so dismaying.

  2. Long flight! But about right considering the distance. I hope that you are safe and sound now, ensconced in doggie love and wags, to morrow will likely be a jet laggy day. Take it easy.
    and YES "outrage of modesty" has great potential, rock and roll?

  3. Safe travels. I can't wait to hear about the A380. And, yes "outrage of modesty" would be a perfect band name. I love it.
