Sunday, March 1, 2015


We were dogged by a misty rain yesterday morning, and initially I thought I wouldn't get my planned photowalk with Olga. But later in the morning I decided to go for it anyway -- I mean, we can survive a little dampness, right? So about 10 a.m. we set out for Hampstead Heath.

I hope you can appreciate from the photo how muddy it is this time of year. I was slip-sliding along the paths and Olga's undercarriage was completely splattered. I even fell at one point, when the act of throwing Olga's Kong mysteriously knocked me off balance and I went down on my left side, leaving me looking like this guy.

Well, OK, it wasn't quite that bad.

I did, however, fall on my camera bag -- and hence, my camera and lenses. Fortunately they seem unaffected. The bag needs a serious wash and I'm not sure it's really machine washable. Stay tuned...

Mishaps aside, it was a fun walk. I took some more Bleeding London pictures and Olga found a tree stump that was perfect for scratching her itches.

Both of us had showers when we got home. (Not simultaneously, though. I draw the line at bathing with the dog!)

Dave and I did not make it to the movies. I did, however, move our geraniums and our poor dead-ish lemon tree outside, gambling that the coldest of the cold weather is past us. They need some sun and rain and nature.


  1. Sometimes there is just too much nature. But we all need some.
    Looks like you and Olga got your dose for the day!
    Good morning from Lloyd!

  2. I looked at the link, saw Patrick Stewart and thought,if falling in mud could make me look like that, I would't mind...obviously, I've had little sleep and no tea yet...Have a wonderful day!

  3. It's been drippy since yesterday. and cold all last week. I'm beginning to think that week of spring was just a cruel joke.

  4. Even with all that mud you make me hunger for more time outside other than the run to the car. Unfortunately, every inch of my world is covered in at least four feet of snow - and I only wish I were exaggerating - and it's snowing again right now.
    At least I can get a taste of the outdoors vicariously.

  5. We got more snow today too - but our day in the mud will come soon. It's MARCH now!

  6. Yesterday's shack looks like the set from The Walking Dead

  7. Olga looks as if she is trying to push that dead tree over...

    Ms Soup
