Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Geums and a Bay Leaf

Olga and I were out in the yard a few minutes ago, making the early morning rounds and checking out the plants, when the neighborhood fox began barking a short distance away. Olga, of course, went ballistic and threw herself at the fence a couple of times before I convinced her to come inside. The fox hasn't made an appearance yet but he was close by. I think we may see him soon, with Olga safely indoors.

The picture above shows our geums, which just began blooming -- even the one I accidentally pulled up, mistaking it for a weed. Olga is in the background, feeling blurry.

Speaking of Olga, we gave her the last of the lamb stew last night. She loved it and wolfed it down. (I definitely witnessed the origin of that expression -- because a dog is pretty much a wolf, after all, and Olga can make huge amounts of food disappear almost instantly. I'm not sure dogs really taste anything.)

We got a good laugh because although she wolfed down the stew, she left behind the carefully licked-clean bay leaf.

Oh, and her replacement Kong arrived yesterday, so all is once again right with the world.


  1. Happy that she got her new kong so quickly...

  2. Ahem, is that shag carpeting??

  3. What Lynne said!
    Yes, it always amazes me how dogs can do that. It looks as if they just inhale food but someone, in the process, they can leave behind the bits they do not like.

  4. Ha! It's not shag carpeting. It's a little waterproof rug called a "turtle mat." We keep her food bowls on it. :)

  5. pretty flower. don't think I've ever heard of it. and yeah, you'd think all dogs were in a perpetual state of starvation the way they eat.

  6. Dogs are so good at sorting out the pieces they are not going to eat and they do it all with their mouths. A fox in the garden makes me think of a children's story or poem but, I can't quite place it.

  7. "Olga is in the background, feeling blurry." Love it :)

  8. lol about the shag carpeting. i wonder what the response would have been if you'd said yes, we have it throughout the house! but somehow, i don't peg you as a shag carpeting kind of guy.

  9. I'm relieved about the carpeting. For a minute there I thought I was back in my first house.

  10. It does look like the carpeting in my dad's post-divorce apartment, circa 1975!

  11. I bought my first house in 1977. I rest my case. :)
    P.S. I've never heard of "geums" before. Pretty!

  12. Younreally should publish your photos or at least have a n exhibition!

  13. Pretty flower! And I love how even Olga knows not to eat a bay leaf :)

    We had an apartment once with shag carpet. It was just as lovely as you might imagine. Ha!

  14. Apparently geums (which I'd never heard of before either) are also known as Avens. If that helps.

    Thanks, John! :)
