Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Missing Printer Cable

Dave's parents are headed back to the states today. Dave happily discovered yesterday, while trying to check them in, that their flights had been changed and they no longer had to rise at 4:30 in the morning to get to the airport. They insist they received no notification of this change, but who knows. They aren't super-savvy about e-mail. At any rate, they're departing in an hour or two -- and they have one less connection as well.

Last night I went to print their boarding passes and discovered that the printer cable -- connecting the computer to the printer -- is missing. The printer is in the guest room, and the cable was resting on top. I'd just used it Saturday morning so I know it was there recently. I'm convinced his parents inadvertently packed it in their luggage. I'm sure they picked it up, said, "Oh, what's this?" and thinking it was some mysterious accoutrement to one of their electrical devices, shoved it in a suitcase. Lord!

I am going to load all the sheets and towels into a couple of pillowcases and drop them off at the laundry on my way to work. It's pouring rain this morning and I just don't want to think about having to wash and dry all those linens. (We have a dryer but it makes everything look like a wadded-up paper bag, so I prefer hanging things out if possible. Not today!)

We went to dinner last night at The Wells Tavern, in Hampstead. Olga and I walk past it all the time on our treks to the Heath and I'd always wanted to try it. Everyone liked their food -- I had peppers stuffed with goat cheese risotto -- and I'm sure Dave and I will go back.

(Photo: Marylebone, about two weeks ago.)


  1. So what do you do if you can't print your boarding passes? Do you show them the email on your phone?
    By the way, we have a friend who only receives email through his wife - he refers to the computer as "the machine." At least your in-laws are carting around electronics ever if they're sketchy on their actual use.

  2. That picture breaks my heart.

  3. Do you hang your laundry outside? What a wonderful luxury!

  4. Your description of the dryer results made me laugh. I've used in-home dryers in London twice now and both times the clothes came out all wrinkled. I kept looking at the controls thinking I'd set it wrong but couldn't find any way to change it. One of the dryers did some sort of intermittent drying. It would tumble for a minute then stop, tumble again and then stop. It was very frustrating.

  5. Ms moon said it all
    Mind you at least he had a packet of kitkats

  6. Sorry to hear about the cable...the photo breaks my heart, too...I would love to be able to hang the washing out to dry. What sort of dryer do you have?
    Did you ever see my question regarding the camera?

  7. I do have those metal poles for clotheslines in my back yard but they are all rusted out and so far apart! If they were half the distance apart I'd make a real effort to try and string some clothesline.

  8. When I see a picture like that I'm glad that it's not winter anymore - & that my church has a shelter when it IS winter!

    Your dinner sounds really yummy!

  9. Yes, that photo. So wild how we all sleep similarily and yet --

  10. I keep coming back to this photo. It's haunting.
