Friday, May 29, 2015

Odds and Ends

This book, "Iqbal," is one of our summer reads at school. I haven't read it yet so I suppose I'll try it too. I liked the pattern all the new books made, sitting on the shelf.

I took my camera to work yesterday in order to take some pictures in the library for a woman who wanted general book photos for her web site. I don't really know this woman -- she's a substitute teacher so I've had contact with her, but that's all -- but I told her I'd give her some shots for free. It seemed churlish to try to charge her for pictures that required very little effort on my part!

Oh, and speaking of substitute teachers, I am no longer filling in as sub coordinator -- thank god. The coordinator returned from the states on Wednesday and came right back to work. Whew!

We still have ladybirds in the garden. Here's one on the campion -- which, by the way, is amazingly aphid-free. Dave ordered another box of ladybirds now that we've discovered all those scary-looking aphids on the roses.

And speaking of scary-looking, here's a student artwork -- by a second-grader -- that's hanging in one of the halls at school. Apparently there was a class-wide monster art project, because this one is displayed alongside lots of other monsters -- but it's definitely a standout. One of my colleagues mentioned how much she loves him (or her?) so I took a photo and e-mailed it to her.


  1. That monster could be a Ralph Steadman. Watch out for that little artist!
    Also? I love the word "churlish."

  2. Great monster for a second grader! Have a great weekend. Need any beginning French books? I'm clearing shelves.

  3. My brother used to draw monsters in the margins of his books - & his sons have done the same thing :)

  4. That little monster maker is a talented artist!

  5. I too love the pattern the books bindings make. Very cool photo.

    I LOVE the monster! I think I like the fact that he has two mouths and all those cute little feet.
