Monday, November 20, 2017

Briglin in Dulwich

Yesterday was a busy day -- two social engagements, which for me is a lot!

First, Dave and I had brunch with some friends at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, on the South Bank of the Thames. It's an ideal brunch spot, with St. Paul's directly across the river and the Tate Modern right next door. Very scenic!

Then I hopped a train and then a bus to Dulwich to meet up with blog pal Linda Sue, who's enjoying an extended stay in London. She's been here a couple of months and it's embarrassing that we haven't met up before now, but we finally got our act together.

When we planned the day, Linda Sue said something like, "Hopefully the sun will be shining!" I scoffed at that, because we've had pretty gray days recently, and of course that misty rain on Saturday. And then, like magic, the sun came out! Yesterday's weather was chilly but glorious.

Linda Sue found a Mid-Century Modern furniture and housewares show in Dulwich, in far south London, and that's where we met up. I walked in saying I wasn't going to buy anything, and walked out with a pillow and a vase. The pillow is very psychedelic -- an abstract pattern of green, orange, red and even a bit of purple, printed on cotton velvet. It reminds me somehow of Jefferson Airplane. The vase is a neutral design of abstract flowers -- they look like Queen Anne's lace when it begins to fold up in Autumn -- produced by Briglin Pottery, which operated in London between 1948 and 1990. Neither item was very expensive, so I was quite happy with my finds!

Afterwards Linda Sue and I walked through the autumn afternoon to a pub and talked about life and the sad state of political affairs in the United States and, with Brexit, in the UK. A pint made things better, at least momentarily.

I came home, had dinner with Dave and, continuing the retro theme of the day, watched an episode of "The Saint" while Dave did some work on his computer. Now, back to the daily grind!

(Top photo: An autumn tree in Dulwich. Bottom, the furniture show.)


  1. As I drink my tea and catch up with the TV news at ten in the morning, still in my dressing gown (American: bathrobe) I feel a pang of sympathy for those who are back to "the daily grind" on this grey November morning but fortunately the pang soon evaporates.

  2. What fun! Glad you got to meet up with Linda Sue and that you found some nice pieces for your flat. Sounds like a pretty perfect day to me.

  3. Always a great time to meet a fellow blogger.

  4. Sounds like a lovely day. Blogging friend meet-ups are really fun. Like old friends meeting for the first time.

  5. I think I would have enjoyed that furniture show and the pretty day even if it was chilly. I'm betting they were putting up Christmas decorations and the Christmas market stalls on southbank.

  6. How nice to meet up with Linda Sue! We need pictures of your purchases! Just kidding :) But if you wanted to show us, I wouldn't look away :)

    Nice shot of that tree. I can't recall any wide-spreading trees like that around here; they're all TALL and impossible to shoot.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful day...for the unenlightened, what is so intriguing about The Saint?

  8. That sounds great! I'd like to see the purchases too :)

    I've never watched the original Saint show, but I LOVED the Val Kilmer edition. He's so pretty :)
