Thursday, November 2, 2017

No Particular Plans

I'm glad you're all as amused by my lizard bookmark as I am. I don't think I'd ever heard the term "lenticular print" before. (Thanks, Vivian!) I guess that post proves it's possible to blog about anything -- and yet not write a word. So lazy, I know.

I came into the world 51 years ago today! Dave has already given me my presents (the metal detector and the GoPro camera that's been entertaining us all while riding around on Olga's back). So I think today will be a pretty low-key birthday. We don't have any major plans, or even minor ones, for that matter. I'm looking forward to coming home after work and watching more of the second season of "Stranger Things."

On Tuesday I walked up Primrose Hill at lunchtime. I was hoping for another nice sunny day, like Monday, but Tuesday's light was flat and uninspiring. Still, there were a few hardy souls up on the chilly hilltop, taking in the view -- and some hardy pigeons, too. Primrose Hill is just barely close enough to work for me to walk there, eat a sandwich, and walk back within my lunch hour.

Yesterday I went to the doctor, given my recent malaise and lingering cough. The doctor said she thinks I have a mild "post-viral syndrome," whatever that is. (I think it just means I'm taking longer than usual to recover from my cold.) I have to get a blood test and a chest x-ray, which I hope to do today, but otherwise the prescription is rest -- which is a drag, because I'd hoped to walk another leg of the LOOP this weekend. I may go anyway. I'm a bad patient.


  1. Happy birthday Steve! President Warren G. Harding was born on this day in 1865 and at Flushing, Queens, New York the actor David Schwimmer squeezed into this world in 1966 - on the very day that you were doing the same.

  2. Happy Birthday, Steve! I hope you enjoy your day snd feel better soon....

  3. I suppose if you choose to go walking against doctor’s orders it means you’re not feeling too badly. And happy birthday! Low key ones are often the best.

  4. Happy birthday, dear friend! Do exactly what you want and enjoy!

  5. yes, happy birthday. always a personal day off for me. my birthday that is, not yours.

  6. happy birthday Steve. Love your blog it is my first stop every morning. have a great day!

  7. Happy birthday, Steve! Hope you have a truly wonderful day. Sorry to hear about the post-viral syndrome. Sure hope you get past that and start feeling truly well again.

  8. Happy Birthday Steve! I hope you are having an enjoyable day! And, I hope you kick that post-viral thingamabob soon.

  9. Whoa, there's another Vivian Fan of Steve about. This is Vivian on Long Island, wishing you a cozy and ice-cold bubbly birthday. Pour Lots of Vueve Cliquot into that post-viral malaise.

  10. Happy birthday. Have a great day!

  11. Happy Birthday, and many more, Steve. And as Catalyst says, take care of yourself. Pushing your body may not be the best way to recover. Maybe a shorter walk instead?

  12. Happy birthday, Steve. I am always looking forward to your posts and amazing pictures. Look after your health.

  13. Happy Birthday Steve and feel better soon.

  14. I'm late! I'm late! Happy birthday anyway :)
