Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I'm Late, I'm Late

Wow! I slept so late this morning -- for a school day, anyway. I woke up in the middle of the night and lay in bed sort of semi-awake, thinking about pollution and overpopulation and global warming and world politics and all sorts of fun middle-of-the-night things, and the next thing I knew it was 7 a.m.! Maybe I should meditate on global catastrophe more often? Fortunately I don't need to be at work until 9:15.

The British Gas inspector came yesterday morning for our annual safety survey. He checked out the boiler and the stove and the gas meter, and apparently everything is in good working order. And weirdly, while he was here, the E-On meter reader showed up (that's our electric company) so he also came in and read the meters. It was like Grand Central Station here, Olga wagging her tail enthusiastically at every new arrival.

I had to stay home until they were done, so I went in late yesterday, and it was great to have a few extra hours in the morning.

Today, though, I am out of time -- and I've got to walk the dog!

(Photo: A fencepost near Berrylands, South London, a few weeks ago.)


  1. Like Grand Central Station? I doubt that Mrs Kravitz would have been very happy about all the trains arriving and departing from your garden platform. Have you got planning permission?

  2. You have such a good eye for what makes a good photo Steve.
    I love the hand prints on the fence.

  3. One just wonders about the backstory on those handprints. Did someone simply have paint on their hands and decide to do that? Or, was it a preplanned situation? What? Why?

  4. When you're working, the sleep ins, are a cruel jolt to the system.

  5. The things you think about in the middle of the night are the same things I lay awake thinking about, then of course I add the family dramas and heartbreak. Love that photo.

  6. why do our brains want to go over shit like that in the middle of the night? I'm usually awake for a couple of hours at least telling myself not to think about that! or I try to replace those unwelcome thoughts with counting my breaths.

  7. I find I sometimes solve problems with my half-awake fretting in the night.

  8. I really do hate those times I lie awake running all kinds of things that are totally out of my control through my mind. I love those cute hand prints!

  9. I'm with Red - sleeping in on a workday is a terrible way to wake up!!

    Love the shot of the hand prints on the pole. Like Ms. Moon, I wonder Why??

  10. Every so often, it's good to take a day away from the obligations of the world, like work. Not by accident, or to let in meter readers, but a real true hiding out and recharging. It's fascinating the things that run through your mind in the deep of night. I confess, overpopulation never once edged its way into my pre dawn obsessions.
