Friday, December 1, 2017

A Flurry of Excitement

These may be the last of our garden flowers. I thought they might expire last night, when we were supposed to have the coldest night of the year so far -- possibly even below freezing. We had snow flurries late yesterday morning, which sent all the kids at school scrambling to the windows with cries of, "It's snowing!"

But I don't think it froze after all -- there was water on top of the trash bins when I took out the recycling just now, and it's not dawn yet -- so the flowers may keep plugging away for a few more days or weeks.

The nasturtiums, especially, just keep cranking out flowers, even though the plants themselves are looking tired and scraggly and there's not a pollinator to be found.

Dave's sixth-grade students performed their holiday concert last night, so he got home late. I curled up on the couch with the dog, finishing my latest Michael Connelly novel, "The Reversal." His books are compulsively readable!


  1. WEATHER REPORT FROM UP NORTH:- We had some snow last night and yesterday when I went for a walk near Chesterfield the ground was frozen hard. But we will survive!

  2. I'm wearing short sleeves and come home from my walks soaked with sweat. It's coolish at night, though.
    Do you eat your nasturtium blossoms in salads? Kathleen always did that.

  3. Interesting all the colors from that one plant. No snow here.

  4. It looks like you've still got lots of color showing up in your back garden. It finally turned cool here too. Well, cool by desert standards. Not cool like most places. But, it is chilly at night and I'm going to an outdoor event tonight. I'll be bundled up against the chill. After all it was still in the 90's last week.

  5. Really nice flowers you have there this late in the season. We have a few scraggly roses left and some nasturtiums as well. They've been through a freeze, but somehow are still hanging on.

  6. I just finished a collection of police-related short stories edited by Michael Connelly, which included one of his own. I enjoyed it and based on your comment will be looking for more of his writing.

    We had our first snow two days ago. It's gone now, but "it'll be bach"! (to quote Arnold S) . . . our flowers bit the dust a week or two ago.

  7. It promises to be a cold winter here. Beautiful flower images.

  8. Ms Moon: I don't eat them, but I should! That's a good idea. If we have a salad before the next freeze I'll do it.

    Catalyst: Actually, these are from different nasturtium plants. We've got several of them here and there, still hanging on!
