Monday, December 11, 2017

Snow Day

We did indeed get an impressive little snowfall yesterday. And it was cold enough to stay snowy, even on the ground, throughout the day. London doesn't often get snow, so it was pretty unusual for us!

Here's what it looked like coming down in the gray light of early morning. This should finish off some of our annuals for the season -- I can't imagine the nasturtiums, for example, will pull through.

By the afternoon, this was the garden. There's still snow on the grass out there as I write this, from what I can see in the moonlight.

And this is what things looked like inside. Olga could not be budged from that position on the couch. She was utterly disinterested in even attempting to go outside. I did finally motivate her to take a walk halfway around the block, which was far enough to make things happen, if you know what I mean, but then she turned right around and pulled for home.

As usual, the snow managed to partly paralyze London's transportation network, but I nonetheless managed to go to Dave's high school band concert in the afternoon. The kids played some challenging pieces really well, including one by Dvorak, and then the band teachers and I adjourned to a pub for a celebratory post-concert drink. Dave has two more concerts this week -- eighth grade and fifth grade -- and then he's done for the season.


  1. Nope - I am afraid I don't know what you mean by "Make Things Happen". Do you mean you took out your magic wand, uttered an incantation and the snow disappeared? Or did Olga turn into a beautiful princess with long, golden locks and ruby red lips?

  2. Even parts of Florida got some snow, according to the paper...none here though it was chilly. Smart dog, staying warm and dry for as long as possible.

  3. The first real snow of the season is always somewhat magical—from inside.

    Doesn't seem quite fair that after the concert the adults can go get a pint and the kids just have to go home and eat their supper with a glass of milk. But that's life.

  5. I love the snow photos and seeing Olga all curled up on the sofa. I know exactly how she feels. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night so I pulled out the old iPad and looked at some photos on Instagram and I saw lots of photos of snow in London. They were so much fun to look at. Snow in front of Parliament, along Southbank and at Piccadilly Circus and lots more.

  6. I didn't realize London climate was so mild.

  7. It's lovely to see the snow there. Reminds me why we moved from the Sierra foothills!

  8. yeah, cool frog. I think we got more snow than you did.

  9. Your photos are as close as I want to come to snow (he said, renouncing his childhood.)

  10. Awwww, how sweet is it that Olga's blankie is pink?
