Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Melt

Our dramatic snowfall pretty much vanished as quickly as it came. Yesterday I passed this miniature snowman on my way to work, evidence that someone at least tried to get creative with the few inches of snow we received. But he'd partly disintegrated by the afternoon, after a day of rain and snow that didn't stick.

Likewise, Olga and I found a tiny, lopsided snowman on our morning walk. He's probably gone by now.

The weather was frightful yesterday -- cold and wet and just generally miserable. But at school it was massage day! Woo hoo! We had a team of massage therapists in one of the conference rooms offering short shoulder and back rubs for faculty and staff, paid for by our parents association. I not only remembered to schedule a massage, I actually remembered to go -- which is harder than it sounds in a workplace setting where one is busy and easily distracted.

My back appreciated it, but I was sitting in one of those massage chairs with the donut-shaped cradle for my head, and it wasn't positioned very well. I kept feeling like I was slumping forward while my head was being sucked into the center of the donut like time/space into a black hole. I was afraid I would emerge with a very stretchy face. But I did not. The body is amazingly malleable.

Remember "the monster," our neighbor's climbing rose bush -- the one that collapsed along with its wooden arbor during a windstorm a couple of weeks ago? Well, the neighbor had the arbor repaired and in the process the monster was drastically trimmed. At least it's still there, which I'm happy about -- the birds like it and it provides a barrier between our patio and hers. It's much more contained than it used to be.


  1. Massages in schools? What on earth is the world coming to? Not everything has a happy ending.

  2. Those snowmen are very sweet in their tiny-ness and melty-ness.

    Massages - what a nice thing for the parent group to provide. Don't listen to YP :)

  3. I love the snowmen even if they were a bit worn down. How nice of the parents association for arranging those massages. I loved your description of those funny chairs. I find them a bit uncomfortable which seems counter to what you are supposed to feel.

  4. I would cry is someone gave me a massage.

  5. that is one deranged looking snowman.

  6. Miserable weather, unfortunately comes with winter. However , one gets used to the nasty weather.

  7. I had the same reaction as Yorky: what is this world coming to when massages are provided in schools.

  8. This is complexly off the subject, but would you please e-mail me the name of the friend who works with dogs? Thanks!
