Monday, March 19, 2018

A Tour of Our New Paint Job!


  1. I love it! And hearing your voice was so much fun! You give a great tour -- what a peaceful space. I feel the energy all the way on the left coast.

  2. Really lovely...Now I can picture you there when I read posts...

  3. It is a lovely flat (American: apartment) and the painters appear to have done a good job. Please don't forget to send the agent a copy of your invoice. By the way, I was surprised by your pronunciation of the name Olga - as in "old" - whereas my pronunciation would be as in "olive".

  4. That was great, being a nosy kind of person I love going inside, lol
    The painters made a brilliant job, very neat and I like the subtle colours.
    Of course olga stole the show for me on her pink blankie.

  5. Love it! I always enjoy watching videos of my favorite bloggers; so nice to match a person's words to their voice.

  6. Loved it! What a lovely place to live. Best part about the video was hearing your voice. :)

  7. Oh, Steve! It looks beautiful! And it's so nice to hear your voice. I think you guys chose some excellent colors. It's so welcoming and peaceful and your plants look to be thriving and happy.
    You lucked out with those painters!

  8. it looks great Steve. I like that sage color (the gray green). and of course they blue and yellow since those are the colors I chose as well. I paint my ceilings white, passe or not, because this house only has 8' ceilings. that's a great little 'flat' as they say there. kind of odd that the bedroom is right off the foyer and the living room is down the hall.

  9. I loved the tour and everything looks great! I laughed at the "angry Donald" toy and your comment that the dog doesn't know what to do with it. Neither do we!

  10. Whenever I hear someone with a great voice I always ask "Have you ever thought of trying radio?" That's what I felt when hearing yours, Steve. Thanks for the tour.

  11. Thank you for the tour! Your flat is very nice especially having a good sized garden as well.
    I am so impressed that your painters did such an excellent job in a week. Lovely colors. Houseplants are always a good addition to soften the look and the blooming orchids are very cheerful through the winter.

    With your voice you could work for Audible.

  12. Am loving this tour..I adore looking at other people's houses

  13. What a nice flat. I love the colors you chose.

  14. I loved the tour - thank you! And it made me laugh at myself, because I commented the other day that I liked the two-tone colours in your living room . . . I believe after watching your video that that was your dining room and was the only part not painted - lol

    It all looks excellent - love the sage and the yellow especially. Enjoy the "new" feel!

  15. It looks beautiful! Thank you for the wonderful tour of your flat. Truly lovely.

  16. Loved the tour and hearing your voice. The colors, especially that gray green are very nice. Thanks for showing us.

  17. Loved the tour, colors and Sharon's comment! You have a wondorful, soothing voice.

  18. This was fun! And I agree - you have a great voice!

  19. Thanks for all the comments, everybody -- both the compliments on our colors and on my voice! It's funny -- I've often been told I have a "radio voice," and I don't hear that when I hear myself at all. But I've done some narration projects over the years, mostly for friends and colleagues. (Remember when I recorded those audio books about a year ago?) Maybe I'm an undiscovered talent -- LOL!

  20. Oh my God! I LOVE THIS! Steve, what a wonderful voice you have! Kinda sexy, actually. You should definitely be doing voice over work or documentary film narration! Thanks for taking us on the tour. I especially loved seeing Olga in her element!
