Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Mysterious Angelfish Book

These two groovy-looking restaurants in Notting Hill were owned by the son of a very famous designer -- who also owned a deli where Dave and I used to eat. All three of those places are now closed, and I'll be darned if I can find anything online that explains why. Surely there must have been some press coverage? It's very strange.

It's been a busy week so far. For one thing, I finally completed our school library's yearbook archive project, securing undamaged copies of all the yearbooks that I had to replace because a certain someone cut pictures out of our previous books. I mentioned earlier that this person was well-meaning, and someone asked how that could possibly be. (A reasonable question.) Well, he cut the photos out to make birthday collages for some students and staff members -- he's been doing it a while and I guess no one thought to ask where the pictures were coming from!

I've also arranged for the collection of boxes of old (as in, decades old) magazines we're donating to a London archive. They're supposed to be collected this morning -- at least, the first batch -- but it will be interesting because the school's lift is out of order and we'll have to schlep the boxes down the front steps. We'll see how that goes.

To make things even more interesting, my recent root canal is still giving me trouble. The tooth is bothering me again. I made an appointment to go back to the dentist in a week (the soonest he can see me) to have it checked out. And I'm finally following up with a doctor about my recent back pain.

As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, "It just goes ta show ya. It's always somethin.'"

Remember the recording I posted a few days ago of me reading as a 7-year-old? Well, it got me thinking about learning to read as an early elementary school student. In addition to the ubiquitous Weekly Reader, I remembered having a textbook with angelfish on the cover. What this book was called I could not remember, and I hadn't seen it since first or second grade, but I took to the Internet to try to find a picture. And voila! I'm pretty sure this is it -- "Each and All," from 1971. It's incredible, the things that can be found online.

I don't remember anything from the inside of the book. But I loved that cover with the fish!

Anyway, I'm off to work early this morning -- I switched shifts with my coworker in order to go to the doctor this afternoon. So I gotta get the dog walked!


  1. You use some interesting words Steve. It is almost as if you are from another planet. Take for example "schlep" (isn't that Yiddish?), "gotta" and of course our old favourite "sidewalk"! Have you ever considered enrolling on an English language course? Aftr all, you have been in London quite a while now.

  2. As a sad teen I kept lots of tropical fish in large tanks ..angel fish were my favourites
    Delicate and serene

  3. It truly is amazing what we can find on the internet and sometimes it's truly amazing what we CAN'T.

  4. sorry to hear about your root canal. hope they didn't do the wrong tooth like happened to me. as for your back pain, as I suggested!

  5. You were an early reader and I am amazed at how much you read these days. I would bet that you knew how to read before you started school. Of course , you won't know this and your teacher wouldn't know as teachers think they teach every kid to read as if all kids are the same. Just a teacher rant this morning.

  6. Sorry to hear about that root canal pain and the persistent back pain as well. Hope you find out what's going on. I was an early reader. My parents started taking us to the library before we even started school. I remember my little sister had to learn to write her name before she could get a library card (that was the library rule!), and so she did at the age of 3!

  7. Re those restaurants, I suggest you try calling 020 7221 5400 or 0207 221 0021, two numbers listed for "The Cow" which apparently remains open. Someone there may be able to answer your question.

  8. Sorry about the tooth and back. Roseanne was a wise woman! I've been dealing with a stupid head cold that past three days so I'm sort of feeling your pain. It's pretty amazing that you found a picture of that book but you can't find anything about those closed restaurants.

  9. It IS always something. At least it seems that way here, too. I actually had no medical, dental, Mom, or other appointments this week and it's like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop! hah

    Sorry to hear about your tooth still bothering you. Sometimes even the best dentist can't get all the crap out of a bad tooth the first try. Yay for temporary fillings :)

    Good luck at the doctor.

  10. Tom Conran heard about BOSH and couldn't deal.

  11. Good luck with the dentist and may the back improve also.

  12. I remember loving elementary school reading textbooks, too, but I don't remember any specific design. How wonderful that you found the one you remembered on the Internet! :) It's truly amazing, what can be found.

  13. I went to the dentist the other day & I do indeed need a root canal, which I can't afford at the moment. So he's prescribed penicillin in the meantime, but I've taken two of them & am so nauseous that I'm not sure I'll last a week. Although, to be fair, I took BOTH of them on an empty stomach. I'm a bit slow.

    I hope you didn't have to schlep the magazines - you didn't need to take a chance on straining your back further!
