Thursday, March 8, 2018

Sherbet Stripes

Olga and I found this stray mitten on our street a couple of weeks ago. There's always something sad and lonely about a lost mitten or glove. It seems to want its partner, doesn't it?

And then, just yesterday, I came across this photo I took almost exactly ten years ago in New York, in January 2008. Another sherbet-striped mitten, left to fend for itself!

Hang onto your gloves, people!

I went to the doctor yesterday to have my back checked out. As I suspected, they couldn't tell me much. They briefly tested my mobility and whether I had any tenderness between vertebrae, and then gave me a letter so I could seek physical therapy through my private insurance, should I want to go that route. (I don't. It's not that bad.) I guess I'll just live with it. So it goes when you're fiftysomething!

The magazine archive people came to school yesterday and picked up several boxes of our old library magazines. They're coming today for the rest. I'll be very glad to get those things out of the library! We decided to keep our old Newsweeks, which date from 1941-1959 -- our students do units on World War II and the Cold War, and I thought we could incorporate the Newsweeks into those projects, showing contemporary reporting about the events of the day within the cultural context of magazine advertisements, feature articles, etc. The teachers were enthusiastic about that idea, so we'll see. Those Newsweeks seem like such a precious resource.


  1. So glad you kept the newsmagazines! As a journalist yourself I’m sure you were well able to defend their value. Is your back getting better at least? Your moving about doesn’t seem to be curtailed so that’s good.

  2. You notice lone mittens and gloves. I notice lone playing cards. When I think of all the lone playing cards I have seen on the ground, I believe that if I had picked them up and brought them home I would now have at least one full pack. Watch out for the playing cards on your walks.

  3. The PT helps and a good PT can probably explain the problem better than a doctor.

  4. Quite a coincidence on the gloves if you ask me.
    I really do think that a chiropractor could help your back. Doctors just don't really "do" backs unless they think surgery is the answer. I always think of my old yoga teacher who had horrible back problems and ended up having I don't know how many surgeries to the point where they simply could not do any more and she was still in pain and always will be I suppose. Not to mention that pesky pain med addiction she developed, completely unaware of the fact that it was possible since she was only taking the pills her doctor prescribed her. Another one of her students and I both tried to get her to go see a chiropractor or an acupuncturist before having yet more surgeries but she never would. I don't think that you're going to end up getting surgeries and Lord knows you won't get addicted to oxycontin but if a chiropractor could help you with the pain and with healing (or an acupuncturist), it would be money well spent.

  5. I wouldn't mind looking through those old magazine either. It would be very educational in many ways.

  6. Get physio now as they can give you stretches to do on a regular basis. Otherwise you end up having chronic back pain from time to time. I really think physio is well worth while.

  7. Interesting how similar those two gloves are. Such is life, right? Those old Newsweek magazines must be a treasure trove of information!

  8. I'm with those recommending PT. I've had it and it helped me. My wife is now undergoing it for hip and knee pain and it seems to be working.

  9. Chiming in on the value of physio. What I learned there as I worked to loosen my hip/back joint has helped me keep from getting that bad again. It is, however, hard to motivate oneself to go just for the sake of prevention. If/when your back gets worse, you may feel more like going, but it will be harder to regain lost ground :)

    Sherbet striped mittens must be a trend that has stuck around!

  10. Something spooky going on with those gloves. lol

  11. get back to yoga Steve. there are many poses that are good for relieving back pain.

  12. I saw a physical therapist a few times last year when my back pain was so bad I couldn't take it anymore. Since then, I do back strengthening exercises twice a day and it seems to help. I still have some pain, but I do find relief. Interesting rainbow mittens you cross paths with!

  13. Thanks for all the feedback, everybody! I really don't think the back situation is so severe that it requires treatment -- it's just a matter of minor positional spasms, depending on how I'm sitting or standing. I think it's just a fact of life! And I've been fairly whiny about it. But if it gets any worse I'll certainly keep the PT option in mind. And no, Ms. Moon, I won't be having any surgery or taking any Oxycontin. :)

  14. LOL Steve - you must feel like you have a dozen mothers here :)

  15. Jenny made me laugh. So true! Or at least bossy big sisters!

  16. LOL -- hey, it's nice to be cared about! :)
