Friday, December 14, 2018

Grappling With the Holiday Beast

We've had a bit of a cold snap. It's supposed to reach a low of 32º F out there, and the high is only 39º F. It's days like this I'm glad I work indoors -- though those morning dog walks are an endurance test. (Nothing like people in Chicago or Bismarck or Moscow endure, admittedly.)

I mustered the strength and courage to go down to Oxford Street last night after work and do some Christmas shopping. I vowed that if I went I'd treat myself to a glass of wine in the Selfridge's wine bar. Motivation! I didn't buy much -- just a few crucial things for Dave and something for his parents -- and I actually wound up skipping the wine. It was a nice idea but the bars were full and ultimately I didn't want to sit there by myself.

Selfridge's is a bit crazy, but it's definitely my favorite among London department stores. The disco balls were twirling over the escalators, just like last year, accompanied by a grunge rock version of "The First Noel." (Momentarily -- obviously the music kept changing.)

I walked through several levels and when I stepped outside I realized I didn't have my hat. I thought I'd dropped it somewhere and I was super-annoyed, but I walked back through the store to revisit the sales counters where I'd been, and sure enough, there it was in the sock department, waiting for me. (I'm sure the high-fashion Selfridge's crowd wondered what was up with that grubby green beanie from the University of South Florida. Or maybe they thought it was stylishly distressed?)

Anyway, my holiday rage is better now. I even had a bit of fun, lack of wine notwithstanding.

(Top photo: Cones, big and small, in West Hampstead.)


  1. That poor woman appears to have been swallowed up by her rug or is it a wall hanging? Either way I am going to be wary of such items in the future.

  2. There will be plenty of time for wine later!

  3. Ooo, I'll have to put Selfridge's wine bar on my list for the next time I visit London. But what a brilliant idea: get the shoppers a little loaded and they will spend money on stupid stuff, as anyone who has browsed eBay while sipping a V&T will confirm.

  4. I remember eons ago there used to be a cozy little pub at the mall and occasionally I'd stop in for one beer before I had to Christmas shop and it helped tremendously.
    I'm really glad your evening went better than you expected. That rug is certainly...different.

  5. I wondered about your photo and now I know you saw what you got in the photo.

  6. That's quite an interesting image, the woman in the rug and the chair that has a smile that says "shit." Good that you got some of that Christmas shopping done.

  7. Glad to hear you survived the shopping madness on Oxford Street. Too bad about the wine. That is such a great little bar with Harry's picture hanging in it. That rug and those chairs you have pictured are about as odd as I've seen. I hope that was some kind of silly display and they weren't really selling those items.

  8. Oxford street is challenging at this time of year. so peopley, You were very brave, glad your hat waited for you. Bravo for getting your gifts together, Have a great trip back to decent weather!

  9. I'm not sure what the message that second photo is trying to send but it made me smile, especially the "shit" chair.

  10. what's with all the male hands holding lipsticks on the blue chair? so, good for you for getting something done. I would refuse to leave the house when it's that cold. shoot, I refuse to leave the house even when it's warmer than that.

  11. I went shopping on two nights this week that were minus 15C (5F for those not using the metric system) . . . the upside was that there weren't many people around and it was a peaceful shopping experience both times :)

    Good for you for forging ahead and gettin er done!

  12. How, fun, the orange & verdigris cones!
    Even though you did label them "cones, big and small", I didn't see how the shapes mirror each other until I came back and looked again. Good one!
