Sunday, December 9, 2018

How We Do the Holidays

Olga and I managed to take a long walk yesterday morning, remedying my shameful lack of bloggable photos.

We meandered through West Hampstead and Cricklewood, pausing at Cricklewood Millennium Green to check out the graffiti wall...

...and the sheep on nearby Cricklewood Lane, garlanded for the holidays.

Then we walked up to the Clitterhouse Playing Fields, where there were numerous football games or practices or something going on. We walked to the far side of the playing fields and back, passing several groups of crows... of whom was very taken with this beer can. (Shiny, I guess.)

Back at Fortune Green we paused by the community Christmas tree, which is apparently a new thing this year. There was an article in the paper about the lights being sabotaged (scandalous, and also, why?!) but they seem to be in good working order now.

Olga was annoyed at my picture-taking and barking her frustration.

Finally, while Dave went off to help out with the fifth school music concert of the season (and still two more to go!), I did some minimalist holiday decorating. I strung lights on the avocado, like we did last year, and I hung ornaments from our aloe on a nearby windowsill. That's as good as it's going to get, I'm afraid.


  1. I could be mistaken but I suspect that the Cricklewood sheep is in fact a fake!

  2. I am surprised that the sheep hasn't been nicked ! Is it bolted down?

  3. that barrier around the tree sort of goes against the whole idea. Olga certainly thinks so. and as if it will stop anyone intent on mischief. your decorating is way more than I do which is none and what's in those two buckets in front of the avocado?

  4. That's plenty of decorating! I like it! I'm not doing a lick of it this year as I'll be traipsing off before the big day arrives. Are y'all going to be in Florida for the actual day? I can't remember.

  5. A good walk gives you lots of photo opportunity.

  6. My decorations are pretty low energy this year too. I gave my whole collection of Christmas ornaments to the non-profit I work for and they had a big holiday sale where they were eagerly snatched up. So no tree for me. However, I did put out a few smaller things around the house and of course, the new wreath on the door. That will do it for me this year.
    I'm glad you got out for a good, long photo taking walk even if Olga was a bit impatient with your stops.

  7. I wondered if the tree barricade is to discourage dog peeing - ha! We put lights & small ornaments on our dragon palm tree one year. Well, we did it most years, but one year it was instead of a regular Christmas tree. I thought it was lovely & was thrilled at how easy it was to UNdecorate!

  8. A lovely walk around the neighborhood. I like your Christmas decorations there. I had an interesting conversation with my 4 year old grandson the other day trying to explain why I never had a Christmas tree.

  9. Now the kids are all grown, Christmas is not my thing, in fact I dread it more each year. We will be going to daughters for Christmas dinner and then home for the evening. I remember when Christmas was just two days and it was only the fortnight before that things really hotted up, much better than endless weeks of it like now.
    Or, maybe I'm just a grump. lol

  10. I thought Olga was singing Christmas carols in that photo at Fortune Green: "Ooooooohhhhhhhhh come all ye faithful!"

  11. Lights are the main thing I like for Christmas. Doesn't matter if they're on a tree, on a plant, or in a vase :)

    Olga pics! Thanks :)

  12. YP: It's a special breed. You don't see them outside Cricklewood.

    Frances: There are six of them, actually, and they must be fastened down somehow. They're in a very public place. It would be hard to make off with one unseen!

    Ellen: I know -- that barrier is weird. I suspect it's a health and safety requirement to keep people from pulling the tree down. The buckets contain bird seed and suet balls for the bird feeders.

    Ms Moon: Yes! We leave for Florida in a week!

    Red: It's true! If I just take my camera I can always find something to shoot.

    Sharon: I thought you were going to keep some of your ornaments! Didn't you have a big collection?

    Bug: The houseplant-decoration method is definitely an easy path to holiday cheer! LOL

    Robin: Ha! Holidays, and the different ways we celebrate them, must be so confusing for little kids.

    Briony: Yeah, it's ridiculous what an orgy of consumer spending it's become.

    Catalyst: Ha! I should train her!

    Jenny-O: Agreed! All you really need are a few colored lights, and you're all set.
