Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Early Morning Light

Here's our little holiday home at dawn, complete with Olga curled up in the pink blanket behind the computer. (She's probably been online again.)

Dave has finished his final band concert, so that gigantic seasonal hurdle is behind us. Suddenly it seems like it's almost Christmastime. We'll be finished with school this week, and we leave for Florida next Monday. I still need to do a few things for the holidays -- some minor Christmas shopping -- and I'm starting to think about packing and the practical stuff.

I got a call from Simone, who's going to dog-sit Olga while we're gone. She wants to take Olga for a walk on Saturday, to re-familiarize her with the routine. When she suggested it, I blurted out, "That sounds great -- then I won't have to do it!" Which is an obnoxious thing to say, but I have to admit it was my honest unfiltered response. Simone just laughed.

I think we're just going to let the houseplants fend for themselves. They should be fine. I'm pretty sure that's what we've done in the past in the winter.

On the way to work yesterday I passed the trash bag with the postcards and I saw, in daylight, that there were many more postcards still lying there. So I grabbed almost all the rest -- a fairly big stack. I took them to work, sorted them out, threw most of them away and dried the few I wanted to keep. (It's been a bit rainy recently.) Surprisingly, this did not freak out my co-workers. In fact, my boss asked me to save some for a guy she knows who regularly sends unusual postcards to his kids. Anyway, I'll probably have another blog post of random postcards to show you!


  1. Olga was probably checking out CanineHunks.com - a site that seeks to connect lonesome bitches with suitable male dogs like Butch the six year old Rottweiler crossbreed in Hackney and Wolfgang the German Shepherd stud dog from Wormwood Scrubs.

  2. Seeing Olga with her pink blanket always brings a little happy tear to my eye. It's just such a heartwarming image.

    Two weeks from today is Christmas. Yikes.

  3. Comforting picture! I love the view out onto the garden beds.

  4. As long as Olga hasn't been ordering things from Amazon, you should be okay. I can't believe the holiday is upon us. It's that time of year when I have tons to do at work and no motivation to do it. Our organization closes for the week between Christmas and New Years so all I can think about right now is a vacation looming.

  5. Traveling takes a lot of preparation and work. Once you get going everything falls into place.

  6. but you still didn't grab the clothes? the plants will be fine. just give them a good watering before you leave.

  7. Sounds like a good plan for Olga and the plants.

  8. That's a nice photo of your present "home, sweet home."

  9. Oh man, I'm going to start hyperventilating about Christmas. I am NEVER prepared. Ha!

    I love your Christmas nook - it looks very cozy. And LOL that your coworkers apparently know you VERY well by now :)
