Tuesday, December 4, 2018

One of Those Mornings

I am continually fascinated by the top of our coffee press. It's just so shiny and it reflects an interesting perspective on the kitchen, including our "spice parade." I've played this game before.

I am already so late this morning. For one thing, Olga stymied my sleep for about half the night by hogging a pile of blankets and then squeezing herself up against me, leaving me immobilized on the edge of the bed with scraps of covers for myself. That dog morphs into a rhinoceros during the night -- her body expands, her weight increases a thousandfold, her breathing and snoring amplify. I slept fitfully until I finally succeeded in moving her at about 3 a.m., and then I overslept until 7!

Then, this morning, she made things exciting by hopping off the bed, walking into the newly carpeted dining room and vomiting up last night's remarkably undigested kibble. So that sent me into carpet-rescue mode, which seems to have succeeded.

It's just as well, though, because I have nothing else to blog about today. We had our first mission statement committee meeting at school, but that's going to be a slow process and it's not blogworthy. Lucky you!


  1. I humbly suggest that you provide Olga with a comfortable dog bed so that she can sleep in your bedroom but NOT on your bed. One's sleep is so important - it is sensible to mitigate against possible disturbance. You will be pleased to learn that this wise advice is provided free of charge.

  2. In comparison to our past cats - particularly 16 pound cuddly Satchel - Mamie is the perfect bedmate. She stays on her side, and once there's more than one human, she quietly jumps down and gets in her bed. I will say, though, that Satchel never barked in his sleep.

    Meetings - one thing I was very happy to leave behind with retirement.

  3. I highly recommend cats as bed partners. My cat Jack is an exceptionally delightful sleeping companion. Before we turn the lights out he gets himself ready by doing his grooming and then he comes up and pats me on the mouth or nose, perhaps to tell me it's time to go to sleep. I do not know. When the lights are out, he settles in right by my hip and he is a solid cat and is quite a comfort. He knows not to bother Mr. Moon in the bed- this is the rule.
    I hope you catch up today.
    And by the way- I feel like you and I are the only two bloggers alive this morning. What's up with that?

  4. We once had a cat who slept with us and would not allow us to keep our hands outside of the covers. He would swat and bite and growl until we put them under the blanket.

  5. I love that reflection shot and the old ones too! I've never understood why dogs always have to head toward the carpet to lose their lunch. If they would just do it in the kitchen, life and (cleaning methods) would be so much easier.

  6. perhaps Olga was expressing her opinion of the new carpet. and I know what you mean about expanding dogs. my little 12 pound rat terrier takes up an enormous amount of room.

  7. Ah you remind me of the stories my sister tells me about sharing her bed with her 150 pound Great Dane who absolutely loves to snuggle and get as close as possible. Dogs love warmth and contact. Dog vomit is one way to break in that new carpet!

  8. I had that kind of morning yesterday, except that instead of a dog keeping me awake it was a good book, and instead of dog vomit I had to make & pack my lunch (because I didn't do it the night before). Come to think of it, I had to make & pack my lunch again this morning. I sense a disturbing trend...

    I was so late reading your AIDS post that I didn't comment there. I remember when I was in Zambia in 1987 there was a lot of fear & (even then) uncertainty about how it was spread. They were thinking mosquitoes! And I had a coworker who felt sick while we were out at the bank but wouldn't accept a glass of water because she wasn't sure whether she might get AIDS from it. I thought she was being paranoid - but I also wasn't worried about AIDS at all. I'd either get it or I wouldn't. I wonder how I would have felt if I'd been a gay male?

  9. "He who goes to bed with dogs arises with fleas." Or something like that. I agree with YP. (But don't tell him I said that.)

  10. Cats can also shape-shift like that! And cats also hurry to get to the nearest rug to vomit. It's very strange. I was so relieved to have our carpets replaced by hardwood. Well. Do you know how hard it is to get stuff out of the cracks between the boards?? And how hard it is to SEE the barf against the wood colour?? So I think it's a toss up (sorry for the pun) whether carpet or hardwood is worse!
