Thursday, November 7, 2019

Second Try

I went back to the Windsor Castle pub yesterday at lunch to take some more photos, and finally got the one I wanted, sans delivery truck. I'd forgotten the building has that crenellated parapet at the top. That's the best part, after the flags!

We had some minor excitement yesterday when our bank called Dave and asked him if he'd just spent £109 at Superdry. Ummmm, no. Turns out someone tried to use his bank card number in an online transaction at 1 a.m. that morning. The bank stopped it, and is issuing him a new card.

The perils of modern commerce.

I checked our accounts and everything else looks fine, so whoever our fraudster was, they didn't get very far.

Today we have tree trimmers coming to work on the back garden. I'll take some before and after shots!


  1. Nice shot. Let's hope your trimmers do as good a job as you did the other day. What is the strangest pub name you have ever come across?

  2. What an interesting looking pub! And who would have thought they have both UK and Australian flags out the front! (I live in Queensland, Australia).

  3. That's awful! I am sure that you and Dave are both savvy and careful when it comes to banking and card use. It's frightening to think that those horrible scavengers are circling round honest people's bank accounts - seeking loopholes and entry points. How will this ruthless activity develop in the years ahead? You got away with it this time but what about next time and the time after that?
    P.S. That pub looks spookily like the real Windsor Castle in Windsor!

  4. A great photo of the pub. I love the design. Looks as though the top floors are a residence or perhaps offices. It would be interesting to see the interiors. I wonder if it has a dungeon?
    I pity the thief who wishes to steal from my account. After seeing my balance they might be inclined to make a deposit to help me out.

  5. Why am I imagining tourists gazing at the Windsor Castle pub and saying, "It looked so much bigger in the pictures!"?

  6. I'll echo the 'nice shot'. our credit card company is pretty good at detecting fraudulent charges. I've lost count of how many times we've had to get a new card.

  7. I'm glad you went back and got that great photo. Also glad the bank was diligent and prevented that fraud transaction. I'm not a fan of internet transactions. It's a bummer that it is now the way of the world.

  8. Pretty scary when someone has numbers that may give them access to your account.

  9. Oh gosh, now I see why you wanted to get a new photos. That place is great looking. I had that same credit card situation happen to me several years ago only no one called me. I found the transactions on my statement. I did get all my money back but the funny thing was that the transactions came from all over the country and one transaction was to pay an electric bill. The electric company called me to see if I had any information which of course I didn't. I asked whose electric got paid, surely that should have been a clue. They said it wasn't. Makes no sense to me.

  10. Scary situation with the bank card - are scammers just randomly entering card numbers now? (using bots, I assume) Holy smokes!

    That full shot of the pub makes it look like a completely different place than the photo you posted yesterday!

  11. I just love that photo of the pub. Such a beautiful building. As for the scammers, I've only had a couple stints with them, both times I was refunded whatever had been spent. I now have LifeLock. I get alerts anytime something doesn't look right. I hope you don't have this problem again. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. good job, going back for that shot!!

  13. I wonder if any of the rowdy royals have wandered in there looking for the Queen.

  14. Great building, so...royal. "Crenellated parapet." So that's what it's called. This is my something new learned today.
