Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Minimalist Christmas

Olga and I passed this Santa in Hampstead on Sunday. At least someone is decorating for the holidays -- although I must say this seems like a slightly perfunctory display. Nothing like the nearby house that was decorated so thoroughly for Halloween. Oddly, that house has no Christmas or winter holiday decorations at all. I guess I expect people who decorate for one holiday to do it for all of them, which is probably unreasonable.

I have done pretty much nothing for Christmas around here. It seems kind of pointless, since we'll be out of the country then anyway. I haven't even strung our lights on the avocado tree like I did last year -- though I might still get motivated to do at least that.

(Looking at that linked picture, I see that I'd brought the geraniums in by this time last year. They're still outside, too -- but we haven't had any severe cold snaps so they're fine. I figure, keep 'em outside as long as possible.)

As for presents, I only have my nieces to worry about. I'll probably send them Amazon cards. I'm sure they'd both like the freedom to choose their own gift, especially the one in middle school. Oh, and of course I have to get some things for Dave. I don't typically exchange gifts with my brother and stepfamily, at least not when I'm not visiting Florida for Christmas. I sent my mom an enlarged photo of me with Dave and Olga at the dog pub on my birthday, and a handmade (not by me) card -- but I think that's enough. She doesn't need or want more stuff!


  1. When you are Egypt you could buy Dave an Egyptian costume, complete with a pharaoh's neme headdress. It would be the perfect Christmas gift.

  2. Jessie brought my Christmas stuff down from upstairs and I haven't touched it. I have no desire to whatsoever.
    But I like looking at the trees she and Lily put up. I like thinking about the kids enjoying them.

  3. I hope you enjoy your trip. How's your mother doing?

  4. Maybe For Mr Dave, Fabricate Some Kind Of Olga Paw Print Of Some Sort - Clay, Print, Or Something Of That Nature - Simple Yet Meaningful


  5. The Santa beside all the trash containers makes me wonder if Santa is for decoration or for the trash?

  6. we should all exchange minimal gifts on christmas or even none at all. I know the retailers depend on it for survival but this over the top buying for this holiday is ridiculous. it's totally out of control. I reject most all theology especially christianity so this holiday really holds no meaning for me. I do enjoy other people's over the top outdoor lights though.

  7. Mike put up our tree last week, but so far it just has lights & an angel on top. We kind of like it that way. I might get inspired to pull at least some of the decorations out. Or not. TBD!

    Our geraniums have been inside for a while now - we've had few killing frosts since then so I'm glad we did it. But they live in the giant round tub in the bathroom & for the first time since we moved here I've been in the mood for a bath lately. Too bad for me. Ha!

  8. I'm going to try to get my little tree up later today. I'm so behind. I love how you decorated your avocado plant. I agree, us oldies don't need much for gifts these days. The best gifts are a visit or a phone call. I think it's wonderful that you can still have plants outdoors. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  9. I haven't gotten any Christmas decorations up yet either. I don't put up a tree any longer but I usually have my door wreath out by now. Maybe I'll get that done today. My friends and I planned a group Christmas dinner over the weekend. We have it at my friends Julie and Dave's house. Their house is the biggest with a kitchen big enough for all of us to prepare stuff without stepping on each other.

  10. The Christmas lights are up and shining in our neighborhood. We don't do lights or trees (or anything for that matter). I do so appreciate the look of the season though.

  11. Our Christmas is even more spare than yours, I believe.

  12. 3 out of 5 of my kids are the Grinch who stole Christmas on Steroids. They seriously do not like it because of the out of control expense and the madness of trying to find gifts that people like.
    But this year my son actually bought us some pretty Christmas cards and mentioned that we need to get the kids stockings. I was shocked! lol.

    My daughter Laurie and I left to do some Christmas shopping today but she has been sick and started feeling car sick shortly after we left home. We went to Karyn's house to deliver her some mail and then just came home. It wasn't meant to be.

    I love that you and Dave will be traveling for Christmas. Who will care for Olga?
    I bet that the Amazon cards will be perfect for your nieces. They do like to choose their own things these days.

    Thinking of decorating here but first I must find a tree stand for our tree!

  13. I love seeing Christmas decorations and lights but I am not doing any this year. I don't mind putting them up, but dislike taking them down. Good you will be spending your holiday enjoying a trip.

  14. I was pretty bah humbug about Christmas after our kids grew up but now we have a new generation of kiddies and I've had such fun buying gifts for them and am looking forward to decorating - for them. My parents always said that kids make the holidays, and I'm finding it that way for me now. I'm even loving the Christmas music at the malls, lol

    If I was going to be away at Christmas, I don't think I'd decorate either. When you come home, you won't have all that stuff to put away!

    The Padre has a great idea there about Olga's paw print. Did you know you can also get paint that's safe for making pet prints? I'm not sure if it's vegetable dye or just what but it's used at some zoos that create "art" by getting animals to walk through dye and then walk on paper; the art is sold to help finance the zoos.
