Sunday, December 6, 2020

Olga Goes to Regent's Park

On Friday, as Dave and I were walking home from work, I realized I'd left my phone behind. On a normal day this wouldn't be a big deal -- I'd just get it the next morning. I don't use it much anyway. But the prospect of being without it all weekend, and leaving it lying unattended in a public building for a couple of days, made me uncomfortable.

So I went back yesterday morning. And as long as I was headed in that direction, I decided to take Olga to Regent's Park. We'd never been there together.

We rode the tube down to St. John's Wood and picked up the phone, then walked the short distance to the park's northern edge. When we first entered we found it packed with people. There were lots of sports being played on the athletic fields.

Eventually we found some quieter places to wander.

I've said this before: Regent's Park is a little hard to figure out. Many of the roads and park features are circular, so I'm never sure exactly where I am.

This is St. John's Lodge, a private residence owned by the royal family of Brunei. Can you ever have too many urns? I say no.

The last time I was in Regent's Park, last June, I saw the air ambulance landing. And this time I saw it again! Is it there all the time, or did I happen to encounter it during two emergencies?

To be honest, Regent's Park isn't the greatest dog park. At least, not for free-running, squirrel-chasing Olga. There are many areas in the park where dogs aren't allowed, or where they must be leashed. (I'm pretty sure I was breaking the rules when I briefly took Olga off the leash for the picture above.) We only saw one or two squirrels, in areas where Olga couldn't chase them – which is probably why they were living there.

This bandstand was the location of an IRA bombing in 1982 that killed seven military musicians. There's a plaque marking the spot.

There were also signs warning people to keep their dogs out of the lake, and to keep them leashed near the water because of all the exotic waterfowl. Olga is leashed in the photo above – she's tied to the bandstand, and none too happy about it.

Anyway, it made for a nice change of pace to visit such a refined park. But I think Olga is happier crashing through the underbrush on Hampstead Heath.


  1. "Olga Goes to Regent's Park" could be one of a series of popular children's books - including "Olga Goes to Buckingham Palace", "Olga Goes to Florida", "Olga Goes Wild in the Countryside", "Olga Kills a Squirrel" and "Olga Learns to Talk". I had other ideas for titles but they might have caused offence so I vetoed myself.

    1. Olga has done all those things except going to Florida. And talking, I suppose, although when she vocalizes I'm pretty sure I understand her!

    2. Olga has killed a squirrel? Oh, my God! Such a ruthless predator!

    3. Once, when she was much younger. She was as surprised as the squirrel.

    4. I just went back to that post. Horrifying! The remembered sound of that squealing adolescent squirrel must haunt you at night. No wonder you get up so early.

  2. The title sounds like the start of a great series! Regents Park is a beautiful place, but I can understand Olga being happier elsewhere.

  3. I thought the tube was to be avoided due to the pandemic? That park is not dog-friendly.

    1. It is, but I figured a short ride on a weekend was a tolerable risk. It was pretty empty, the few riders were masked (as is the rule), and I didn't touch anything!

  4. This post bought back memories for me. When the kids were young we often took the train from Brighton to Victoria and wandered around the various London parks. These days we would find it hard to do that with the escalation of train fares.

    1. Yeah, that would be a pricey outing these days!

  5. Nice to see something different but good to go back to your old stamping ground and familiarity. I remember that IRA bombing and while I have some sympathy for IRA causes, that was a terrible thing to do.

    1. Many of the IRA actions were terrible, and killed civilians who had nothing to do with that conflict.

  6. Who wants to be on a leash? Only being imprisoned I imagine to be worse. As an aside: I have noticed that these days there are parents who keep their toddlers in a harness rather than holding their hand when crossing the road. No further comment.

    Olga in Regent's Park? And what a fine, nay regal, figure she cuts. As, no doubt, her bodyguard, Steve, did. Next stop? Hyde Park. She'll love the corner, allowing her to bark freely.


    1. She's actually been to Hyde Park many times. We used to live in Notting Hill so it was our local park!

  7. Olga is hiding her feelings well. I hope she gets a more Olga type walk today!

    1. Yes, we'll give her a little more wilderness today. :)

  8. Nice to have a change of parks, but I would prefer the Heath too

  9. I'm listening to an audio book where one of the characters has a house very near Hampstead Heath. It makes me happy to think that this is a place you regularly visit.

  10. That's an interesting walk, but I'm with Olga, I would prefer the Heath.

  11. Nothing like being out in the boonies for a dog.

  12. Looks like a nice park. It's shocking how much money some people have and others go without.

    I'm with Olga, I prefer off leash.

  13. I had a sudden vision of Olga running mad-cap through the grounds of the royal family of Brunei. It pleased me.

  14. that's a pretty cool bandstand and a nice enough park but I prefer the Heath.

  15. Oh how fun, a change of scenery! So Olga got to see where you work on this outing. Was she impressed? Your photos from Regent's Park made me get out my little London map book. I didn't picture the park being so close to St. John's Wood but I see that it is very close. I also spotted on the map, Winfield House the U.S. Ambassador's residence. There might be an Arizonan living there soon. Rumor has it that Biden might give Cindy McCain the English ambassadorship. A well and true bipartisan act.

  16. Olga looks so good! Her "sister" in Portland has become quite the potato, not enough running around chasing squirrels, too much staying in covid days. The park looks peopled, I am always amazed as our parks are fairly empty, everything is here and has been for well over eight months. Love the photos, they are tasty!

  17. Too many people at that park. I can see why Olga can't run free there.

  18. Exactly three weeks earlier we used the bandstand in Regents Park for our impromptu reception after getting married. I feel ancient now.

  19. Olga is adorable and quite the wild woman.

