Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Supermarket of Dreams

I see that the Electoral College has made Joe Biden's win official, as expected, and with no drama. Thank goodness. Now we move on to Congressional certification of the results in early January, which will no doubt be a circus sideshow that won't change anything. We're getting closer and closer to restoring sanity to American politics.

Meanwhile, here in London, we're moving to Tier 3 of our Coronavirus restrictions, which means a tighter lockdown. As I've said, I don't think that will change our lives much, but it's going to make things much harder for restaurants and shop owners who had hoped to make some money off the Christmas season. And have you seen that there's apparently a new strain of the virus out there? That's an extra little bit of excitement in the mix.

Crazy days!

On our walk to work yesterday, we passed the swallow dresser, still sitting out on the sidewalk. I made a pitch to Dave to help me rescue it -- I said we could put it in the foyer and use it to store towels and stuff. But he held firm against it and said it would make the space look like "a baby's diaper-changing room." Whatever that means.

And then, on the walk home, I saw that the dresser was gone. I think the trash guys collected it. Oh well.

I made an appointment to see a doctor on Thursday. As expected, I was unable to make an appointment with our own GP, so I'm paying to go straight to a specialist. My Christmas present to myself! So festive!

Some of you suggested I get a Covid test, but my malaise definitely isn't due to Covid. It's lasted far too long and I don't have any Covid symptoms except a recurrent cough -- and that's been around for literally years. No, if this is anything at all, it's something physiological, not infectious.

(Photo: St. John's Wood, the weekend before last.)


  1. I'm probably with Dave on the swallow dresser and perhaps a reason why it stayed where it was for so long. While I suppose it was kind of known Stage three was coming for you, I did feel for Londoner's when I heard the news on the radio in the morning.

    1. Yeah, not the best time of year to go into lockdown, but what's one to do? It is what it is.

  2. Oh, Steve, you are so sweet. Unfortunately, we can't rescue all the down and outs we find in the gutter. Anyway, it appears one of the drawers has come loose. You don't want a repeat of your kitchen cupboard unhinged.

    As to the election result, and it gives me no pleasure to pass this on, there is one in my circle who doubts it too. And, no, he isn't a Redneck, he isn't American and has no vested interest either way. However, he does ask questions. He looks behind the obvious headlines. I'd say even if the election was rigged here or there the difference would have been paper thin (a bit like the Brexit referendum). What I, for what it's worth, still can't get my head round is that Hilary Clinton won the POPULAR vote yet not the Electoral College one. Whatever faults being laid at her doorstep she would have been amazing. Not to forget the ever smiley, charming Bill at her presidential side. Both of them oozed statesmanship. Trump, and maybe some of his intentions were good ones (so I am told), was his own worst enemy. If I were his mother I'd ask myself "Where the hell did I go wrong?" If I were his sister I'd clobber him one. If I were his daughter I'd put him into a corner and ask some serious questions.

    Shame that violent clashes in Washington DC have already materialized. Can Biden unify? Let's hope so.


    1. When you say he "looks beyond the obvious headlines," I wonder where he's looking, because no reputable source has given any evidence that there was vote manipulation. The usual small-scale errors and mishaps, yes, but nothing substantial enough to make a difference. I agree Hillary would have been terrific and it's a shame (to put it mildly) that election went the way it did.

  3. We all need a supermarket of dreams
    And a very large shopping basket to go along with it

    1. .., SS, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Your cover has been blown before you had barely a chance to get started.

      Take the basket (and the biscuit) - on the house.


    2. I think "Supermarket of Dreams" is a hilariously optimistic moniker for a fishmonger.

  4. New strain of virus? how convenient to make the population even more afraid and want the vaccine. I see great big holes in this whole fiasco.
    Watch closely Steve, even when a majority of people have accepted the vaccine they will still be required to wear masks and keep the distance.
    Surely any educated person can begin to doubt what is going on.

    1. But why, Briony? What could possibly be the purpose of making us all wear masks if they're not really needed? I don't get why the government would be motivated to make us needlessly afraid.

    2. the point of wearing masks after vaccination is that it takes a while even after the second shot for it to become completely effective. also, the vaccine does not confer immunity no matter what the news people say. the studies weren't testing for immunity the way the measles or mumps or polio vaccines do, they were testing for onset of symptoms. so while the vaccine may protect you from from getting ill, they don't know if it protects you from getting it and being asymptomatic and still spreading it. so until enough people are vaccinated to achieve that 'herd immunity', which will be months, maybe even not til next summer, continuing to wear masks is the cautious thing to do. it's not going to be forever so be a good citizen and just wear the damn mask. remember, all other vaccines have taken years to develop and their benefits and complications were well known before being released to the public.

    3. Steve, your "why" is a good question. Yet, when you look back over history, putting the living daylights of fear into humans is a way of beating a populace into submission. Along comes the "saviour".

      Like you I am not given to conspiracy theories (more idiot me) yet I can't help smelling a big fat rat with teeth to match. Still, never mind, Steve, soon the Chinese will have the rest of the world in the bag and we'll all be queuing at Primark's to save the economy. To balance the books I'll laugh till I cry, you'll cry till you laugh.


    4. Thanks for the mask explanation, Ellen. Ursula, I just don't get why anyone wants to "beat us into submission." Are we so rebellious? I don't smell this rat at all. This is not a Chinese grand plan.

  5. Rule of nursing
    Check out the physical
    Then move to the psychological

    1. Seems like sound advice. I'm pretty sure my psychological is on the level!

  6. Do you have any stomach problems? Like reflux? That can cause a chronic cough as well. The acid irritates your esophagus, causing coughing. That's my problem.

    As for Briony and her conspiracy theory, wow.

    1. I've had mild reflux and I had a bout of gastritis about 12 years ago. I took Nexium for a while but when I tried it again recently it gave me headaches, so now I don't take anything. Maybe I need to start again!

  7. I'm glad you'll be going to the specialist. And yes, what a very, very festive Christmas present to yourself! Oh, isn't being an adult a beautiful thing?

  8. The Fish Shop is a Supermarket of Dreams??
    Yes, Electoral votes are counted. Another hurdle passed. Here in Arizona, they held the meeting in a secret location because of threats against the electors and the Secretary of State. Biden gave a good speech after the votes were in. And, the first vaccines in the US were administered yesterday. We are moving forward.

    1. I'm so glad you got the humor in that photo. I had the same reaction. I wouldn't want to be in an official capacity in any way related to this election -- I'd be afraid for my life.

  9. I'm glad you have an appointment to see a specialist. Good way to get answers quickly.
    Pretty scary to think that a new strain of virus might be emerging. I had been wondering if the virus would mutate. Oy, I'll be glad when all of this is over.
    I was so happy when the electors voted yesterday. Not a faithless one in the bunch. Yay!

    1. I'm not sure we know the significance of the new strain yet. The news stories say the vaccines are likely to work against it too, so maybe it won't be that big of a deal.

  10. I am sorry that you have been feeling badly. Hopefully it will be identifiable, and fixable.

  11. so, yeah, the electoral college did their job but the circus won't be over til Biden is inaugurated. I'm just astounded at how many republican politicians have been so willing to have fighting against a secure election and against a peaceful transfer of power be their legacy.

    1. It IS astonishing, but I think they're all scared to death of their Trump-loving constituents. They feel like they have to support him. At least Mitch McConnell has finally come around.

  12. Hope the specialist can find the solution for you. It stinks to feel off for so long and not be able to get relief.
    I notice in the photo of the fish shop that several of those people are not wearing masks - even the woman with the cane!? I never to shopping without one now.
    Feel better, Steve!

    1. A lot of people don't wear masks outdoors or on the street, which is probably fine -- the experts say outdoor air movement makes it very unlikely you'd catch it there just passing people on the sidewalk. One can only hope that woman puts on a mask when she goes into a shop.

  13. I'm glad that you'll get some answers and treatment. That doesn't make me happy about the new strain. I'm looking forward to getting the vaccine ASAP but will still wear my mask. I like them; they make me look at least 10 years younger! :)

    1. They DO have an advantage. I like them because I don't have to shave!

  14. Your Festive Gift to Self made me Smile! I do Hope you find a Solution to whatever is ailing you though and I'm glad you do not think it to be The Rona... nasty stuff and it's symptoms so Vague that it could be mistaken for a host of other things really... unless you get a bad case of it I suspect? Yes, the Political Theatrics here across the Pond, so weary of it all, so want for it to just be over already and have normal people in Leadership! I have Family in North Wales, they keep me updated on the levels of precautions there. More stringent but been handled far better than here where it's been an absolute cluster fuck from the very beginning.

    1. Yeah, Wales has had different restrictions at different times from ours. The UK has had a pretty appalling death rate but I think we HAVE handled things better than the states, sadly.

  15. Believe me it won't hurt to check for covid. I never lost the sense of smell nor taste. I had fever of 102 then to the blood infection was doing something too. I couldn't believe it because I am just like this news anchor here today said she did everything right. Some people are walking around knowingly they are sick but won't say anything. Okay here I go to the orange thing in the White house. I believe until they lock him up he will still be keeping up lies and mess. He needs attention to feel important. He never would have thought his cult members that he put on the supreme Court or Barr would let him down. They weren't crazy enough to lose their careers and get put in jail the way some of the others had done. He is making noise now because he has more protection while he is at the white house. I really wish he go to jail and those children of his too.

    1. It's encouraging that when it comes down to the wire, so many of Trump's people stand up for the Constitution rather than his vain narcissism.

  16. I admire the confidence displayed by the owners of the fish shop.

  17. I think that "Fish Face" Hancock referring to the "new strain" was simply a tactic - buttering the public up before hitting them with more unpleasant news. It is well known amongst virologists that viruses mutate and develop as time passes. Hancock failed to cover that point. A soupcon of deliberate scaremongering methinks.

    1. I don't know what to think about the new strain. It doesn't seem like it's THAT big of a deal, because they say the vaccines will probably protect against it. Again, though, I don't know why there would be deliberate scaremongering. I just don't see how that's in the government's interest. I think they're just dealing with unknowns like all of us are.

  18. I am not surprised by a story of another strain of the virus. Wanna bet a nickel that it's false?

    1. I don't think it's false, but I think it's probably inconsequential.

  19. Big Hugs Brother - Please Stash A Just Because Treat For Olga Girl From Uncle T


    1. Olga is curled up right next to me at the moment and she thanks you! :)

  20. A new strain? Arrrrrgh. I hope you receive an answer from the doctor.


    1. Yeah, so they say, but I'm not sure the new strain will make much of a difference.

  21. My niece, a doctor, says covid may be mutating to a less deadly strain, since a virus that kills all its hosts will itself die out. Hence it's greater transmittability (is that a word). Maybe one day it really will be just like the flu, but not now, not for a long while.
