Friday, January 15, 2021

Random Photo Friday

I think I'm going to work from home today, since there's nothing for me to do in the library. I have a report on database usage that I need to compile so that will probably be my task.

Meanwhile, here are some random photos from my trusty iPhone that I've accumulated over the past several weeks!

Above, you may remember a photo of this scene that I took last October. I ran it through my Waterlogue app and this was the result. It makes a nice "painting," doesn't it?

This is the newest creation by an eccentric individual living near school who already has a giant spider in his or her garden. Is it a frog? Why does it only have one back leg?

Stencils on the sidewalk near school.

Also on the sidewalk -- someone's discarded school notebook. Which makes me wonder -- do kids need the same school supplies when they're doing distance learning?

An image from a grave marker in the cemetery. Someone must have been an equestrian.

I saw this cheerful, cartoony van on my walk home one day. Fortunately, Olga is not the kind of dog who needs a groomer. As we've discussed, she just needs a quick rinse now and then and she's good to go.

This poster has been hanging in the window of a shop near the high street for ages. The event it's advertising took place in November 2015!

Someone spray-painted the word "LOVE" in several places on the sidewalk along the high street. This is in front of the George Michael ceramics shop.

This was propped against the wall at the tube station. I haven't the foggiest idea what it means. It looks like a piece of a countertop?

And finally, over Christmas, someone strung white lights through the plants on the windowsill in the library. The funny thing is, none of the librarians know who did it -- but we all agreed it looked nice! And then, after the holidays, whoever put them up took them down. It's a mystery.


  1. If you hired a psychiatrist, he or she would have a field day analysing the subjects of your photographs. After you had climbed down from the inevitable couch, the psychiatrist would pause resting his/her chin on the tips of his/her fingers before quietly announcing, "There's no other way to say this Mr Reed - you are completely bonkers! Don't forget to pay for this consultation at reception."

    1. Now, now, YP. No need to go all green eyed monster, jealous by another name, because Steve has an eye for urban, and other, detail. How did you say recently, so kindly, to someone (I forget who)? "Must try harder". You that is. At being witty. Still, praise where it's due: You are the master of the backhanded compliment.

      Kiss, kiss,

    2. I prefer to think I'm documenting the bonkers behavior of others -- like people who spray LOVE on the sidewalk or build giant frogs in their front gardens. :)

  2. I love the doctored first photo. The grave marker horse is quite good.
    Chop pig is a poor way of saying hand reared and beer fed organic pork loin chops on sale for £100.00 per kilo.

    1. Ha! Actually, we DO have a farmer's market that meets on Saturdays -- maybe it's a sign from there? (Although I'm not sure it's meeting now, lockdown and all.)

  3. Lots of magic in these images. The watercolour is beautiful (so was the original photo). And is that possibly a tadpole in process of becoming a frog?

    1. It COULD be a tadpole, true. I especially like those glowing eyes.

  4. The frog is weird. Could you tell what it is made of?

    1. I'm not sure. It looks like some kind of hardened foam, like the insulation often sprayed inside walls. The spider appears to be made of the same stuff.

  5. Kermit in London!
    And how nice to have an undercover decorator.
    Is that shop connected to THE George Michael?

    1. It's not really connected to him -- it just featured his (bad) portrait on the window several weeks ago. :)

  6. That first one is giving me Christmas card realness! Gorgeous!

    1. Waterlogue is a fun app -- it does a really good job turning photos into faux-watercolor paintings.

  7. I just love your iPhone photos. And that watercolor app is really cool.
    "Groom Groom, Mobile Pet Grooming" is genius! The frog makes me happy. He's holding paper umbrellas? The world would be so boring without artistic eccentrics. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I get a kick out of the frog too, though I have to say I'm surprised it's legal to have it hanging over the sidewalk like that. I hope it's securely attached to that tree!

  8. You always see such interesting things there. The Groom Groom Mobile Pet Grooming is great. YP's comment made me laugh.

    1. YP can always be counted on for comedy relief.

  9. I've solved your mystery. It's a caretaker who works in the evening!

  10. Great series of shots. I especially like the waterlogue creation. It makes a wonderful piece of art.

  11. A lovely batch of photos! I forgot I had downloaded that app, but as you know I mostly take photos of yarn and my own self - not really Monet material. Ha!

    1. I think colorful yarn would be a fantastic Waterlogue subject!

  12. Replies
    1. I agree! I think that's one reason I love documenting this kind of stuff on my phone -- there are so many mysterious things out there and it's good to notice them.

  13. What an eclectic group of photos! You gave us lots to ponder and mysteries to solve. Thanks, Steve, my brain can certainly use the workout! :)

    1. You are welcome! This is my "brain workout" too!

  14. I always like these posts. and yeah, a frog. perhaps they ate the other leg for dinner.

    1. I've had frog's legs once or twice. I always wind up feeling bad for the frogs.

  15. I still haven't got over your Beethoven bust (in a tailor's or similarly incongruous shop window). Mind you, similarly, I once had a cobbler, shoe repair. Tiny shop. He too was on the small side. Metamorphosed from a grape into a raisin. I often wondered whether his life's vision to make people walk with pride. Not down at heel. And thick of sole.

    Apropos of nothing: Olga does have it good. No need to spend fortunes at Russell and Bromley or, in a fit of extravagance, falling for a Louboutin.


    PS I sincerely hope that spidery frog won't take up room in my next nightmare.

    1. It IS a bit nightmarish. If I had small children and lived next door I think I'd be concerned. That Beethoven bust in the cleaners' window has disappeared, sadly!

  16. All interesting random shots. Maybe the frog artist ran out of whatever they used to make the first leg. That's funny that nobody knows who put the lights there or took them away again. If I worked there I would really want to know!

    1. I think Red hit on it above -- probably one of the cleaners who works in the evening. Pretty enterprising on his or her part!

  17. That first photo does make a beautiful painting. I think the poster has now become a decoration. Or they've forgotten about it! :)

    1. Yeah, it's a closed shop, so I think it's basically just been abandoned. It's a fun little time-capsule item!

  18. We don't have anything nearly as interesting as a giant frog in my neighborhood.


    1. It's fun to see when I'm walking past, but I'm not sure I'd want it next door!

  19. Dig The Randomness - Well Done

