Saturday, January 16, 2021

Statistics and Spreadsheets

My weather app says it's raining outside, but through the window I see something more closely resembling snow flurries. It's still dark, so it's hard to tell. In any case, Olga probably won't want her walk!

I spent yesterday working from home, as planned. I sat across the dining room table from Dave while he conducted his classes via Zoom, and while I managed to stay off-camera it was kind of like sitting in on them. He wore headphones so I couldn't hear the kids -- just his instructions. It was interesting because the kids made him laugh pretty hard at times, and I realized once again how much he really does enjoy teaching.

Meanwhile I updated the library's database usage report, which involves getting statistics from numerous research sites we use and plugging them into spreadsheets in various configurations. It may sound boring, but I find it calming. It requires pretty intense focus (Zoom music classes notwithstanding) and while I worked on it the hours flew. Surprisingly, our databases got used pretty thoroughly last year, even when we were on distance learning -- I guess the kids really were doing research.

I took these photos on a quick afternoon walk around the neighborhood. Olga went off with her dog-walker so it was just me and the camera -- a nice break. Which face shape are you? I think I'm probably oval. In fact, I have glasses that look a lot like those. But no curly French mustache.

My brother tells me that my mom, in her retirement home in Florida, got her first Covid vaccine. It's good to know that's one thing we probably no longer need to worry about. Not on her behalf, anyway.


  1. Those faces are specific enough. I'm narrow oval. I've had those glasses for ovals. They do nothing for me. My weather is correct currently (a rare occurrence), and I see that rain is returning. A ONE PERCENT chance all afternoon. I love doing spreadsheets.

  2. I would say that I am an oblong-faced fellow but please don't imagine that I look like the illustration - at least I don't think I do. It was nice for you to see Dave in his element.

  3. I am very much oval faced. So you spy on the kiddies and you know when they look up the dictionary definition of the word fellatio?

    1. Ha! I can't see WHAT they look up -- only that they did a search and got a result.

  4. Glad that work is going along well for both of you.
    I'm with Olga..I am not enthusiastic about walking when it's cold and wet!!
    Love the images

    1. I think Olga is having some issues with her medicine. She's just too lethargic. It's sunny this morning and she still hasn't gotten out of bed!

  5. Doesn't matter what glasses I choose, they all look wrong.

    1. Perhaps you expect too much from your glasses? :)

  6. Sometimes a solo walk is a good thing. I know from experience how difficult it can be to manage a lease and a camera at the same time.

    1. Yeah, taking pictures with the dog is never an easy thing. I miss going for long solo walks by myself, but I always feel guilt for leaving the dog at home. Unless her walker is available to take her.

  7. In all my years of wearing glasses I think I've had one pair I liked.
    It's a nice image- Dave laughing while teaching. That's beautiful.

    1. Glasses are a pain no matter what. I was so happy to hear Dave really laughing -- it struck me that I hadn't heard it in a while!

  8. Good to hear your mom got her vaccine. I've been waiting for my age group to open up but it hasn't yet. I'm kind of hoping that Biden's team will get the whole roll-out working better than it currently is. My art challenge club was supposed to meet last night (via zoom) but one of our members was taken by paramedics to the hospital with dangerously low blood oxygen. We cancelled the meeting and worried about him. He and his wife both got Covid last week and neither have any idea how they were exposed. They've been extremely careful. Between Covid and our political situation, it's like living on a knife's edge.

    1. Oh, that's scary. I hope he's OK. I too hope Biden can get these vaccines moving more efficiently, although now I hear there's no stockpile as initially believed.

  9. The first photo very clever. First I thought it was a wall with an inlay - till I got the picture in perspective.

    Glasses? Alas, Steve, one stereotype doesn't fit all. Think Jacky O. Or what of John Lennon? My father would like me to use one of those one eyed magnifying numbers that hangs off you on a chain - should I ever need reading glasses. The romance of it! First I'd need a waist coat.

    Of far more importance than glasses is hair style to go with your face shape. My avatar giving you an idea that if I had gone a little shorter I'd be even squarer - what with the cheekbones and a prominent jaw. As is (the photo was taken a while ago) I have gone back to my longer than shoulder length locks as it offsets the, well, squareness. Maybe, when I am older than I am now and my hair gone white, I might do a Glenn Close as pictured at the premiere of "Guardians of the Galaxy" in 2014. Talk about chiselled.


    1. That first photo goes with spreadsheets, doesn't it? It kind of looks like a spreadsheet. I suppose the most important thing about glasses, at the end of the day, is just seeing clearly.

  10. I tried bifocals once decades ago in the 80s I guess back when big glasses were the thing. I think I wore them for a couple of months and then discarded them and switched to drug store magnifiers because I really only needed them for reading.

    glad to hear your mom got her first shot. I'm concerned now that there won't be any vaccine when it's time for the second shot since Azar finally admitted that there was no vaccine stockpile after lying to everyone for the past month or so. I wonder, was there never a stockpile or did Kushner make off with it selling it to high bidders like he did the PPE he snatched out from under the states.

    1. I essentially have magnifiers now, although I did get them through an optician.

  11. I love the odd things that you capture with your phone. No one would probably look twice at that drain[?] but there's a certain beauty to it.

    1. Yeah, I don't know what that thing is in the sidewalk. It must be some kind of drain or grate, but why?! It's small -- just a few inches square.

  12. On line learning is a completely different world. It blows this old retired teacher's mind.

  13. It is nice that you and Dave seem to enjoy your jobs! How lucky you are!
    I guess my face could be oblong - that is the shape of my glasses now (not my hair tho). I have had many different shapes, sizes and types of glasses over the years as I started wearing glasses in 3rd grade!
    Good news for your Mom!

    1. We are lucky in that regard, yes. I know Dave has been suffering because his student's can't play their instruments now (it's not safe because of the potential for creating airborne virus) so it was nice to hear him enjoying his virtual class. (They're studying music theory and that kind of thing, since they can't play.)

  14. I read an article about the way teachers are teaching at the moment and how there had been instances of parents streaking across in the background of their child's zoom call! I can't imagine having to do that kind of teaching here, as we don't have much room. Andy is now working in the back room so I don't have to avoid the kitchen when he is on zoom calls. Glad your Mum has had her vaccination. My Dad has had his forst one too which is a relief.

    1. Dave was just saying that the father of one of his students was walking back and forth behind the kid during class and talking loudly on a phone!

  15. I'm oval or oblong, and don't wear either of those shapes. I did have the oblong "cat woman" glasses when I was in 7th grade. It's great that Dave is still finding enjoyment in teaching. Most of my friends are struggling with the on-line aspect. But they also don't feel safe going back into the classroom without being vaccinated.

    1. I love cat-eye glasses, but they might look a little ridiculous on me!

  16. I love the image of you and Dave sitting across from each other at the dining table working, and Dave occasionally laughing hard, which I know made you smile, too. It's such a companionable way to work.

  17. A good teacher is a boon to youth. I think they are hard to come by for the most part. Clearly Dave is a goodie! Glad to hear that you mother got a covid vaccine, Dennis got one as well- i will have to wait until probably summertime. Staying home is the best idea. Glad you got to walk alone for a bit- makes a difference, sort of clears the head i reckon. Stay well.

    1. Well, at least knowing that Dennis has had one is a big plus.

  18. Glad your mom has gotten her first shot of the vaccine. My mom is near Tampa and cannot even get through the phone lines to get an appointment. Is terribly upsetting. None of her friends/neighbors (all also in their 80s) have been able to get vaccinated either. Is just a mess.

    1. Dave's parents live in Bradenton and they've had the same problem. Sounds like it's vaccine gridlock down there, with all the retirees in Florida.

  19. I am square - my orthodontist way back when told me I had a masculine jaw. It was hard to know how to interpret that. Good? Bad? I do envy you the urban walking, I miss that.

    1. My dentist told me I had a recessive chin, which gave me a complex all through my teenage years!

  20. I have a heart-shaped face. The most important thing about my glasses is being able to see with them. So glad your mom got her first shot. My friend, Carol, 81 years old, got her first shot on Friday. Yay!

